The EMN Glossary – as one of the key products of the EMN - improves comparability by enabling a common understanding and use of terms and definitions relating to asylum and migration. The Glossary draws on a variety of sources, but primarily on the legislation of the EU asylum and immigration acquis, and makes terms available in the majority of EU Member State languages.
The online version is regularly updated and available in various languages.
- BG: 5+5 диалог по въпросите на миграцията в Западното Средиземноморие
- CZ: Dialog 5+5 o migraci v západním Středomoří
- DE: 5+5 Dialog über Migration im Westlichen Mittelmeerraum
- EE: 5+5 Vahemere lääneosa rände dialoog
- EN: Dialogue on Migration in the Western Mediterranean (5+5)
- ES: Diálogo 5+5 sobre migración en el Mediterráneo Occidental
- FI: 5+5-vuoropuhelu Välimeren länsiosan maiden välillä
- FR: Dialogue 5+5 sur la migration en Méditerranée occidentale
- GA: Idirphlé 5+5 maidir leis an Imirce i réigiún na Meánmhara Thiar
- HU: 5+5 Nyugat- Mediterrán Migrációs Párbeszéd
- IT: Dialogo 5+5 sulle Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo Occidentale
- LT: Vakarų Viduržemio jūros regiono valstybių dialogas „5+5“ migracijos klausimais
- LV: 5+5 Vidusjūras rietumu valstu dialogs par migrāciju
- MT: Djalogu 5+5 fuq il-Migrazzjoni fil-Punent tal‑Mediterran
- NL: 5+5 dialoog over migratie in het Westelijke Middellandsezeegebied
- NO: 5+5-dialog om migrasjon i det vestre Middelhavet
- PL: 5+5 Dialog na rzecz migracji w zachodniej części Morza Śródziemnego
- PT: diálogo 5+5 para o Mediterrâneo ocidental
- RO: 5+5 Dialog cu privire la migraţie în zona vest Mediteraneeană
- SE: dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra
- SK: Dialóg 5+5 o migrácii v západnom Stredomorí
- SL: 5+5 Dialog o migracijah v zahodnem Sredozemlju
2. The forum involves ten partners (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain) and is facilitated by the IOM. Its areas of activity are information exchange, joint management of international borders, agreed forms of labour migration, migration for development, and protection of the rights of migrants in the Western Mediterranean region.
3. For more information see the website of the 5+5 Dialogue.
- BG: пряка дискриминация
- CZ: přímá diskriminace
- DE: unmittelbare Diskriminierung
- EE: otsene diskrimineerimine
- EN: direct discrimination
- ES: discriminación directa
- FI: välitön syrjintä
- FR: discrimination directe
- GA: idirdhealú díreach
- GR: άμεση διάκριση
- HU: közvetlen diszkrimináció
- IT: discriminazione diretta
- LT: tiesioginė diskriminacija
- LV: tieša diskriminācija
- MT: Diskriminazzjoni diretta
- NL: directe discriminatie
- NO: direkte diskriminering
- PL: dyskryminacja bezpośrednia
- PT: discriminação directa
- RO: discriminare directă
- SE: direkt diskriminering
- SK: priama diskriminácia
- SL: neposredna diskriminacija
A situation in which one person is treated less favourably than another is, has been or would be treated in a comparable situation on grounds of racial or ethnic origin.
- BG: задържан
- CZ: zajištěný cizinec
- DE: Häftling
- EE: kinnipeetav
- EN: detainee
- ES: detenido
- FI: säilöön otettu
- FR: personne retenue
- GA: duine atá á choinneáil
- GR: κρατουμένου
- HU: őrizetbevett (személy)
- IT: detenuto
- LT: sulaikytasis
- LV: aizturētais
- MT: Detenut(a)
- NL: gedetineerde (vreemdelingenbewaring gestelde persoon (NL) or persoon in vasthouding / opgesloten persoon (BE) in case of return)
- NO: innsatt (b) / innsett (n)
- PL: osoba zatrzymana
- SE: förvarstagen person
- SK: zaistená osoba
- SL: pripornik
- BG: място за задържане
- CZ: zařízení pro zajištění cizinců / zajišťovací zařízení
- DE: Haftzentrum
- EE: kinnipidamisasutus
- EN: detention facility
- ES: centro de internamiento
- FI: säilöönottolaitos
- FR: centre de rétention
- GA: ionad coinneála
- GR: χώρος κράτησης (κρατητήρια)
- HU: őrzött szállás / fogda
- IT: struttura di trattenimento
- LT: sulaikymo centras
- LV: aizturēšanas telpa
- MT: Ċentru / Faċilità ta’ detenzjoni
- NL: inrichting voor vreemdelingenbewaring
- NO: forvaringsleir
- PL: ośrodek detencyjny
- PT: centro de instalação temporária
- RO: centru de cazare a străinilor luaţi în custodie publică
- SE: förvarsanläggning
- SK: útvar policajného zaistenia pre cudzincov (national law) / zariadenie určené pre zaistenie cudzincov
- SL: objekt v katerem se izvaja omejitev gibanja / obejkt za pripor
In the EU return context, a specialised facility to keep in detention a third-country national who is the subject of return procedures in order to prepare the return and/ or carry out the removal process, in particular when:
(a) there is a risk of absconding; or
(b) the third-country national concerned avoids or hampers the preparation of return or the removal process.
- BG: задържане
- CZ: zajištění
- DE: Abschiebungshaft
- EE: kinnipidamine
- EN: detention
- ES: internamiento
- FI: säilöönotto
- FR: rétention
- GA: coinneáil
- GR: κράτηση (διοικητική)
- HU: őrizet
- IT: trattenimento
- LT: sulaikymas
- LV: aizturēšana
- MT: Detenzjoni
- NL: detentie; vreemdelingenbewaring (in context of return)
- NO: forvaring
- PL: detencja / zatrzymanie
- PT: detenção
- RO: custodie publică
- SE: förvar
- SK: zaistenie
- SL: omejitev gibanja / pripor
In the EU asylum context, confinement (i.e. deprivation of liberty) of an applicant for international protection by an EU Member State within a particular place, where the applicant is deprived of their personal liberty.
2. Applicants for international protection may be detained at any stage of or throughout the asylum process, from the time an initial application is made up to the point of removal of an unsuccessful applicant for international protection. According to Art. 26 of Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive) it is not acceptable to detain a person solely for the reason that they have lodged an application for international protection. To ensure the non-arbitrariness of detention and the respect of fundamental rights of applicants for international protection, Directive 2013/33/EU (Recast Reception Conditions Directive) introduced an exhaustive list of detention grounds (Art. 8) and put in place a number of procedural guarantees.The Directive also regulates the conditions in detention facilities (Art. 10).
3. In an EU return context, EU Member States may only detain or keep in a detention facility a third-country national who is the subject of return procedures in order to prepare the return and / or carry out the removal process, in particular when: (a) there is a risk of absconding; or (b) the third-country national concerned avoids or hampers the preparation of return or the removal process. Any detention shall be for as short a period as possible and only maintained as long as removal arrangements are in progress and executed with due diligence. See Art. 15 (1) of Directive 2008/115/EC (Return Directive).
4. For further information, see EMN: The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies, 2014.
- BG: решаващ орган
- CZ: rozhodující orgán
- DE: Asylbehörde
- EE: tuvastav asutus
- EN: determining authority
- ES: autoridad decisoria de asilo
- FI: määrittävä turvapaikkaviranomainen
- FR: autorité responsable de la détermination
- GA: údarás cinntitheach
- GR: αποφαινόμενη αρχή για το καθεστώς του πρόσφυγα
- HU: menedékjog iránti kérelem elbírálásáért felelős hatóság
- IT: autorità responsabile per il riconoscimento dello status di rifugiato
- LT: sprendžiančioji institucija
- LV: atbildīgā iestāde par patvēruma pieteikuma izskatīšanu
- MT: Awtorità għat-teħid ta’ deċiżjonijiet dwar l-ażil
- NL: asielbeslissingsautoriteit
- NO: asylmyndighet (b) / asylstyresmakt (n)
- PL: organ rozpatrujący wniosek
- PT: autoridade responsável pela decisão (asilo)
- RO: autoritatea responsabilă cu examinarea cererii de azil
- SE: beslutande myndighet
- SK: rozhodujúci orgán zodpovedný za preskúmanie žiadosti o udelenie azylu
- SL: organ odločanja
In the context of international protection, any quasi-judicial or administrative body in an EU Member State responsible for examining applications for international protection that is competent to take decisions at first instance in such cases.
- BG: Дъблинска процедура / процедура за определяне на държавата членка, компетентна за разглеждането на молба за международна закрила
- CZ: dublinské řízení
- DE: Dublin-Verfahren
- EE: Dublini menetlus
- EN: Dublin procedure
- ES: Procedimiento de Dublin
- FI: Dublin-menettely
- FR: procédure de Dublin
- GA: nós imeachta Bhaile Átha Cliath
- GR: διαδικασία του Δουβλίνου
- HU: Dublini eljárás
- IT: procedura Dublino
- LT: procedūra pagal Dublino reglamentą
- LV: Dublinas procedūra
- MT: Proċedura (Il-) ta’ Dublin
- NL: Dublinprocedure
- NO: Dublin-prosedyren
- PL: procedura dublińska
- RO: procedura Dublin
- SE: Dublinprocess
- SK: dublinské konanie
- SL: Dublinski postopek
The process of determining the EU Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the EU Member States by a third-country national under Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 (Dublin III Regulation).
- BG: откриване на жертва на трафик на хора
- CZ: identifikace oběti obchodování s lidmi
- DE: Erkennung eines Opfers von Menschenhandel
- EE: inimkaubanduse ohvri staatuse tuvastamine
- EN: detection of a victim of trafficking in human beings
- ES: detección de víctimas de trata de seres humanos
- FI: ihmiskaupan uhrin havaitseminen
- FR: détection d’une victime de la traite des êtres humains
- GA: íospartach gáinneála a aimsiú
- HU: emberkereskedelem áldozatának felderítése
- IT: individuazione della vittima di tratta degli esseri umani
- LT: prekybos žmonėmis aukos atpažinimas
- LV: cilvēku tirdzniecības upura atpazīšana
- MT: Sejbien ta’ vittma fit-traffikar tal-persuni
- NL: detectie van een slachtoffer van mensenhandel
- NO: identifisering av et offer for menneskehandel (b) / identifisering av eit offer for menneskehandel (n)
- PL: identyfikacja ofiar handlu ludźmi
- RO: identificarea unei victime a traficului de fiinte umane
- SE: upptäckt av offer för människohandel
- SK: zisťovanie [odhaľovanie] či je osoba obeťou obchodovania s ľuďmi
- SL: zaznava žrtve trgovine z ljudmi
The process of identifying a possible situation of trafficking in human beings.
- BG: разселено лице
- CZ: vysídlená osoba
- DE: Vertriebener
- EE: ümberasustatud isik
- EN: displaced person
- ES: población desplazada
- FI: siirtymään joutunut henkilö
- FR: personne déplacée
- GA: duine easáitithe
- GR: εκτοπισμένο πρόσωπο
- HU: lakóhelyét elhagyni kényszerült személy
- IT: sfollato
- LT: perkeltasis asmuo
- LV: pārvietota persona
- MT: Persuna sfollata // maqlugħa minn darha // li kellha tħalli darha
- NL: ontheemde
- NO: fordrevet person (b) / fordriven person (n)
- PL: osoba przesiedlona
- PT: deslocado
- RO: persoană strămutată
- SE: fördriven person
- SK: vysídlená osoba / vysídlenec (EU acquis) / odídenec (national law)
- SL: razseljena oseba
(i) a person who has fled areas of armed conflict or endemic violence;
(ii) a person at serious risk of, or who has been the victim of, systematic or generalised violations of their human rights.
- BG: Трансфер по Дъблин/ прехвърляне съгласно Регламента Дъблин
- CZ: dublinský transfer
- DE: Übertragung der Zuständigkeit / Dublin-Überstellung
- EE: Dublini üleandmine
- EN: Dublin transfer
- FI: Dublinin asetuksen mukainen siirto
- FR: Transfert Dublin
- GA: aistriú Bhaile Átha Cliath
- GR: Δουβλίνου μεταφοράς
- HU: dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra
- IT: trasferimento degli obblighi dello Stato competente nella procedura Dublino
- LT: perdavimas pagal Dublino reglamentą
- LV: personas pārsūtīšana Dublinas regulas ietvaros
- MT: Trasferiment skont il-proċedura ta’ Dublin
- NL: Dublinoverdracht
- NO: Dublin-overføring (av ansvar)
- PL: przekazanie dublińskie
- SE: Dublinöverföring
- SK: dublinský transfer
- SL: Dublinski transfer / Dublinski prenos
2. The (physical) transfer of an applicant to the EU Member State who is considered to be responsible for examining the merits of an application following a Dublin procedure.
For more information on the Dublin Regulation, see the description of policy on the examination of applications for asylum on the DG HOME website.
- BG: лице на издръжка
- CZ: rodinný příslušník (osoba blízká, osoba závislá)
- DE: zuzugsberechtigter Familienangehöriger
- EE: ülalpeetav
- EN: dependant
- ES: dependiente
- FI: huollettava
- FR: personne à charge
- GA: cleithiúnaí
- GR: συντηρούμενο / εξαρτώμενο μέλος
- HU: eltartott
- IT: persona a carico
- LT: išlaikomas asmuo
- LV: apgādājamais
- MT: Persuna dipendenti
- NL: afhankelijk gezinslid (very narrow: „persoon ten laste”)
- NO: forsørget person (b) / forsørgd person (n)
- PL: osoba pozostająca na utrzymaniu
- PT: dependente / pessoa a cargo
- RO: dependent
- SE: anhörig
- SK: závislá osoba
- SL: vzdrževanec
A person who has filed an application for family reunification and who is granted entry and residence by the Member State to stay with a legally resident family member or other.
- BG: трайни решения
- CZ: trvalé řešení
- DE: dauerhafte Lösung
- EE: püsivad lahendused
- EN: durable solutions
- ES: soluciones duraderas
- FI: kestävät ratkaisut
- FR: solutions durables
- GA: buanréitigh; réitigh mharthanacha (uatha: buanréiteach; réiteach marthanach)
- GR: ανθεκτική λύση
- HU: a fenntarthatóságot szolgáló intézkedések
- IT: soluzione durevole
- LT: ilgalaikiai sprendimai
- LV: ilgtspējīgi risinājumi
- MT: Soluzzjonijiet dewwiema / li jibqgħu fis-seħħ
- NL: duurzame oplossing
- NO: varige løsninger (b) / varige løysingar (n)
- PL: trwałe rozwiązania
- RO: solutii durabile
- SE: hållbara lösningar
- SK: trvalé riešenia / trvácne riešenia (depending on the context)
- SL: trajne rešitve
Any means by which the situation of refugees can be satisfactorily and permanently resolved to enable them to live normal lives.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) traditionally pursues the durable solutions of voluntary repatriation, local integration and resettlement.
- BG: Диалог по Средиземно транзитната миграция
- CZ: Dialog o středomořské tranzitní migraci
- DE: Dialog über Transitmigration im Mittelmeerraum
- EE: Vahemere transiitrände dialoog
- EN: Dialogue on Mediterranean Transit Migration
- ES: Diálogo sobre la Migración de Tránsito en el Mediterráneo
- FI: Välimeren kauttakulkumuuttoa koskeva vuoropuhelu
- FR: Dialogue sur la migration de transit en Méditerranée
- GA: Idirphlé maidir le hImirce Idirthurais trasna na Meánmhara
- GR: Διάλογος για τη Μετανάστευση με Διέλευση της Μεσογείου
- HU: Párbeszéd a Mediterrán Tranzit Migrációról
- IT: Dialogo sulla Migrazione di Transito nel Mediterraneo
- LT: dialogas apie tranzitinę migraciją per Viduržemio jūros regioną
- LV: Vidusjūras tranzīta migrācijas dialogs
- MT: Djalogu fuq il-Migrazzjoni ta’ Tranżitu fil‑Mediterran
- NL: Dialoog rond Mediterrane transitmigratie
- NO: Dialogen om transittmigrasjon i Middelhavet
- PL: Dialog nt. migracji tranzytowych w regionie basenu Morza Śródziemnego
- PT: Diálogo sobre migração de trânsito no Mediterrâneo
- RO: Dialogul cu privire la migraţia de tranzit în zona Mediteranei
- SE: dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra
- SK: Dialóg o tranzitnej migrácii v Stredomorí
- SL: Dialog o sredozemskih tranzitnih migracijah
An interregional intergovernmental consultative forum of migration officials in countries of origin, transit and destination along the migration routes in Africa, Europe and the Middle East with a focus on irregular and mixed migration, as well as on migration and development in the Mediterranean region and beyond, aiming to build common understandings and to jointly develop evidence-based comprehensive and sustainable migration management systems.
2. The Dialogue on Mediterranean Transit Migration is built on two pillars. The first one focuses on enhancing operational cooperation to combat irregular migration or, in other terms, on shorter-term measures to address irregular flows. The second pillar deals with a longer-term perspective by focusing on addressing the root causes of irregular flows through development cooperation and a better joint management of migration. These pillars are used as frameworks for the implementation of specific projects but cross-pillar projects are also put in place.
- BG: двойно гражданство
- CZ: dvojí občanství
- DE: Doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit/ Staatsbürgerschaft, Doppelstaatigkeit
- EE: topeltkodakondsus
- EN: dual citizenship
- ES: doble nacionalidad
- FI: monikansalaisuus
- FR: double nationalité
- GA: déshaoránacht
- GR: διπλή ιθαγένεια
- HU: állampolgárság (többes)
- IT: doppia cittadinanza
- LT: dviguba pilietybė
- LV: dubultā pilsonība
- MT: Ċittadinanza doppja
- NL: meervoudige nationaliteit (NL syn.: meervoudig staatsburgerschap)
- NO: dobbelt statsborgerskap (b) / dobbel statsborgarskap (n)
- PL: podwójne obywatelstwo
- PT: dupla nacionalidade
- RO: cetatenie dubla / multipla
- SE: dubbelt medborgarskap
- SK: dvojité štátne občianstvo / dvojitá štátna príslušnosť (dual citizenship) / viacnásobné štátne občianstvo / viacnásobná štátna príslušnosť (multiple citizenship)
- SL: dvojno državljanstvo
The simultaneous possession of two or more citizenships by the same person.
- BG: Регламент Дъблин
- CZ: Nařízení Dublin III
- DE: Dublin-Verordnung
- EE: Dublini määrus
- EN: Dublin Regulation
- ES: Reglamento de Dublín
- FI: Dublin-asetus
- FR: Règlement de Dublin
- GA: Rialachán Bhaile Átha Cliath
- GR: Κανονισμός του Δουβλίνου
- HU: dublini rendelet
- IT: Regolamento di Dublino
- LT: Dublino reglamentas
- LV: Dublinas regula
- MT: Regolament (Ir-) ta’ Dublin
- NL: Dublinverordening
- NO: Dublin-forordningen (b) / Dublin-forordninga (n)
- PL: Rozporządzenie Dublińskie
- PT: Regulamento de Dublin
- RO: Regulamentul Dublin
- SE: Dublinförordningen
- SK: Dublinské nariadenie
- SL: Dublinska Uredba
Regulation which lays down the criteria and mechanisms for determining the EU Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless person.
- BG: Дъблинска конвенция
- CZ: Dablinský úmluva
- DE: Dubliner Übereinkommen
- EE: Dublini konventsioon
- EN: Dublin Convention
- ES: Convenio de Dublín
- FI: Dublinin yleissopipus
- FR: Convention de Dublin
- GA: Coinbhinsiún Bhaile Átha Cliath
- GR: σύμβαση του Δουβλίνου
- HU: Dublini Egyezmény
- IT: Convenzione di Dublino
- LT: Dublino konvencija
- LV: Dublinas konvencija
- MT: Konvenzjoni (Il-) ta’ Dublin
- NL: Overeenkomst van Dublin
- NO: Dublin-konvensjonen
- PL: Konwencja Dublińska
- PT: Convenção de Dublin
- RO: Convenția Dublin
- SE: Dublinkonventionen
- SK: Dublinský dohovor
- SL: Dublinska konvencija
Convention determining the EU Member State responsible for examining an application for asylum lodged in one of the EU Member States.
2. The Dublin Convention was replaced by Council Regulation No 343/2003 (Dublin II regulation). Its validity ended on 16 March 2003.
- BG: диаспора
- CZ: diaspora
- DE: Diaspora
- EE: diasporaa
- EN: diaspora
- ES: diáspora
- FI: diaspora
- FR: diaspora
- GA: diaspóra
- GR: διασπορά
- HU: diaszpóra
- IT: diaspora
- LT: diaspora
- LV: diaspora
- MT: Dijaspora
- NL: diaspora
- NO: diaspora
- PL: Diaspora
- PT: diáspora
- RO: diaspora
- SE: diaspora
- SK: diaspóra
- SL: diaspora
Individuals and members of networks, associations and communities, who have left their country of origin, but maintain links with their homelands.
2. It is a general term, with no legal definition, which can also cover EU Member State nationals (and immigrants) who feel strong connections to their origins.
- BG: депортиране
- CZ: nucený návrat
- DE: Abschiebung
- EE: väljasaatmine
- EN: deportation
- ES: expulsión
- FI: karkottaminen
- FR: éloignement
- GA: díbirt
- GR: απέλαση
- HU: kitoloncolás
- IT: espulsione/ deportazione
- LT: deportacija
- LV: piespiedu izraidīšana
- MT: Deportazzjoni
- NL: uitzetting
- NO: uttransportering
- PL: deportacja
- PT: deportação
- RO: returnare
- SE: utvisning
- SK: vyhostenie
- SL: odstranitev / deportacija
The act of a state in the exercise of its sovereignty in removing an alien from its territory to a certain place after refusal of admission or termination of permission to remain.
- BG: юридическо население
- CZ: de jure obyvatelstvo
- DE: De-jure-Bevölkerung / Familien angehöriger, dem Unterhalt gewëhrt wird
- EE: de jure rahvastik
- EN: de jure population
- ES: población (de derecho)
- FI: de jure -väestö
- FR: population de droit
- GA: daonra de jure
- GR: De jure (σύμφωνα με το νόμο) πληθυσμός
- HU: népesség (de jure)
- IT: popolazione de jure
- LT: de jure gyventojų skaičius
- LV: de jure iedzīvotāji
- MT: Popolazzjoni de jure
- NL: de jure bevolking
- NO: hjemmehørende befolkning /de jure befolkning (b) / folkesetnad etter bustad / de jure-folkesetnad (n)
- PL: populacja de jure
- PT: população (de direito)
- RO: populaţie (de drept)
- SE: de jure-befolkning
- SK: obyvateľstvo de jure / bývajúce obyvateľstvo
- SL: de jure prebivalstvo
A concept under which individuals (or vital events) are recorded (or are attributed) to a geographical area on the basis of the place of residence.
This term is little used.
- BG: vertimo nėra
- CZ: poživatel doplňkové ochrany
- DE: De-facto-Flüchtling
- EE: de facto pagulane
- EN: de facto refugee
- ES: refugiado de facto
- FI: tosiasiallinen pakolainen / de facto -pakolainen
- FR: réfugié de facto
- GA: dídeanaí de facto
- GR: de facto πρόσφυγας
- HU: de facto menekült
- IT: rifugiato de facto
- LT: de facto pabėgėlis
- LV: de facto bēglis
- MT: Rifuġjat(a) de facto
- NL: de facto vluchteling
- NO: de facto-flyktning
- PL: uchodźca de facto
- PT: refugiado de facto
- RO: refugiat de facto
- SE: de facto-flykting
- SK: utečenec de facto
- SL: de facto begunec
Person not recognised as a refugee (within the meaning of Art. 1A of the Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol) and who is unable or, for reasons recognised as valid, unwilling to return to their country of origin or country of nationality or, if they have no nationality, to the country of their habitual residence.
2. In DE, this refers to a person who has not applied for asylum or whose asylum application has been rejected, but whose removal has been suspended due to concrete danger of life, body or freedom. For example, a person’s stay will be tolerated in DE on grounds of humanitarian law.
- BG: фактическо население
- CZ: de facto obyvatelstvo
- DE: De-facto-Bevölkerung / tatsächlich anwesende Bevölkerung
- EE: de facto rahvastik (tegelik rahvastik)
- EN: de facto population
- ES: población (de hecho)
- FI: de facto -väestö
- FR: population de fait
- GA: daonra de facto
- GR: de facto (εν τοις πράγμασι) πληθυσμός
- HU: népesség (de facto)
- IT: popolazione de facto
- LT: de facto gyventojų skaičius
- LV: de facto iedzīvotāji
- MT: Popolazzjoni de facto
- NL: de facto bevolking
- NO: tilstedeværende befolkning /de facto befolkning (b) / folkesetnad tilstades /de facto-folkesetnad (n)
- PL: populacja de facto
- PT: população (de facto)
- RO: populaţie (de facto)
- SE: de facto-befolkning
- SK: obyvateľstvo de facto / faktické obyvateľstvo / prítomné obyvateľstvo
- SL: de facto prebivalstvo
A concept under which individuals (or vital events) are recorded (or are attributed) to the geographical area where they were present (or occurred) at a specified time.
This term is little used.