
European Migration

The European Migration Network (EMN)
provides up-to-date, objective, reliable
and comparable information on migration
and asylum.
For more information about EMN activities, 
watch EMN Corporate video.


Destination Europe is an engaging
discussion platform that introduces
users to migration and integration
To learn more about Destination Europe,
watch this promotional video.
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EMN presents Annual
Report 2023

The European Migration Network (EMN)
presents the Annual Report on Migration
and Asylum which provides an overview
of the key developments in the EMN Member
and Observer Countries in 2023.
Migration Statistics
world map
How emigration and immigration flows are changing?

Emigration - the act of departing or exiting from one State with the intention to remain abroad for a period exceeding one year.

Where do Lithuanians mostly emigrate? Which countries have the biggest Lithuanian diasporas?

You can find more information on Migation in Numbers website.

How many asylum applicants are resettled and relocated to Lithuania?

Asylum - a form of protection given by a State on its territory, based on the principle of non-refoulement and internationally or nationally recognised refugee rights and which is granted to a person who is unable to seek protection in their country of citizenship and / or residence, in particular for fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

Who applies for asylum in Lithuania? What are the nationalities of persons granted asylum?

What are the top countries from which most of Lithuanians return?

Return migration - the movement from a host country back to a country of origin, country of nationality or habitual residence. Immigration - the act of arriving in a State with the intention to remain for a period exceeding one year.

How many foreigners live in Lithuania? From which countries foreigners immigrate to Lithuania mostly? What are the most popular occupations of labor migrants? 
