
Migration trends across EU Member States. What were the most significant changes in 2023?
2024 - 07 - 11
Migration trends across EU Member States. What were the most significant changes in 2023?
Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine
2024 - 05 - 21
Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine
Experts from Lithuania and abroad discussed labour migration challenges
2024 - 04 - 24
Experts from Lithuania and abroad discussed labour migration challenges
Family reunification practices for beneficiaries of international protection
2024 - 04 - 19
Family reunification practices for beneficiaries of international protection
Digitalization of Identity Documents in the EU: Situation Analysis
2024 - 03 - 21
Digitalization of Identity Documents in the EU: Situation Analysis
Accommodation in the context of international protection: what is the practice in European countries?
2024 - 02 - 26
Accommodation in the context of international protection: what is the practice in European countries?
Moving towards a competitive EU: how Member States ensure integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market?
2023 - 10 - 05
Moving towards a competitive EU: how Member States ensure integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market?
A look into the context of migration in Europe. What was the most important for EU Member States in the past year?
2023 - 07 - 06
A look into the context of migration in Europe. What was the most important for EU Member States in the past year?
Resettlement, humanitarian admission and sponsorship schemes: 2016-2022 EMN Member States' situation overview
2023 - 06 - 16
Resettlement, humanitarian admission and sponsorship schemes: 2016-2022 EMN Member States' situation overview
How the EU Member States react to climate change induced migration?
2023 - 05 - 08
How the EU Member States react to climate change induced migration?
How do EU Member States protect accompanied children's right to be heard in international protection procedures?
2023 - 04 - 21
How do EU Member States protect accompanied children's right to be heard in international protection procedures?
EMN Lithuania discussed the application of the Temporary Protection Directive at a conference in Sweden
2023 - 04 - 21
EMN Lithuania discussed the application of the Temporary Protection Directive at a conference in Sweden
Prospects for displaced persons in non-EU first reception and transit countries: situation analysis
2023 - 02 - 27
Prospects for displaced persons in non-EU first reception and transit countries: situation analysis
How do the EU Member States attract foreign talents? IH Vilnius case in the European context
2023 - 02 - 22
How do the EU Member States attract foreign talents? IH Vilnius case in the European context
How EMN Member States and Observer Countries manage flexible housing capacities for international protection seekers?
2023 - 01 - 20
How EMN Member States and Observer Countries manage flexible housing capacities for international protection seekers?
Transition of unaccompanied minors to adulthood: what is the situation in the Union?
2022 - 11 - 24
Transition of unaccompanied minors to adulthood: what is the situation in the Union?