Ad-hoc užklausos

EMN Ad-hoc užklausų sistema padeda surinkti aktualiausią informaciją iš ES valstybių narių ir Norvegijos migracijos ir prieglobsčio klausimais. Kiekviena šalis narė gali pateikti konkretų paklausimą, į kuri atsako kitos šalys. Šios užklausos ir valstybių narių atsakymai yra saugomi EMN duomenų bazėje, kuri yra prieinama visiems suinteresuotiems asmenims. Dokumentai rūšiuojami pagal konkrečias sritis: ekonominė migracija, ES teisynas, grąžinimas, gyvenimas ir leidimai gyventi ir kt. Duomenų bazėje pateikiami vieši atsakymai į užklausas nuo 2014 m.
Ad-hoc užklausos pavadinimas Šalių atsakymai Data
Processing Data on illegal Migration 2014-11-05
Ministry or Ministries responsible for citizenship, legal migration and international protection 2014-10-31
Accommodation for and detention of former asylum seekers failing to comply with a return decision 2014-10-31
Framing of migration in the media 2014-10-30
Legal situation of a foreigner to whom the border procedure has been applied and as a result of which s/he was refused any form of protection 2014-10-27
Foreigners who claim to be minors but whose age is not confirmed 2014-10-23
Forecasting and Contingency Planning Arrangements for International Protection Applicants 2014-10-21
Payment for introducing a residence permit procedure 2014-10-20
Objective criteria to identify risk of absconding in the context of reception directive art 8 (recast) and Dublin regulation no 604/2013 art 28 (2) 2014-10-15
Uniform international protection status 2014-10-14
Violation of rules in reception centres/asylum facilities 2014-10-13
Safe countries of origin and safe third countries 2014-10-10
Administrative proceeding preceding voluntary return 2014-10-10
Penalties for unauthorised border crossings by Third Country nationals 2014-09-29
Social aid for beneficiaries of a “temporary residence permit” 2014-09-26
Revocation of citizenship on the basis of voluntary military service in a foreign country 2014-09-22
Implementation of the Article 19 of the Directive 2011/36/EU on setting up independent role of ”National rapporteur or equivalent mechanism” 2014-09-16
Return of failed asylum seekers from North Korea to South Korea 2014-09-03
Resettlement financing 2014-08-28
Definition of “border traffic” referred to in art. 26 par. 3 of the CISA.pdf 2014-08-27