The EMN Glossary – as one of the key products of the EMN - improves comparability by enabling a common understanding and use of terms and definitions relating to asylum and migration. The Glossary draws on a variety of sources, but primarily on the legislation of the EU asylum and immigration acquis, and makes terms available in the majority of EU Member State languages.
The online version is regularly updated and available in various languages.
- BG: събиране на семейство
- CZ: sloučení rodiny
- DE: Familienzusammenführung
- EE: perekonna taasühinemine
- EN: family reunification
- ES: reagrupación familiar
- FI: perheenyhdistäminen
- FR: regroupement familial
- GA: athaontú teaghlaigh
- GR: οικογενειακή επανένωση
- HU: családegyesítés
- IT: ricongiungimento familiare
- LT: šeimos susijungimas
- LV: ģimenes apvienošana / ģimenes atkalapvienošana
- MT: Riunifikazzjoni tal-familja
- NL: gezinshereniging
- NO: familiegjenforening (b) / familiegjenforeining (n)
- PL: łączenie rodzin
- PT: reagrupamento familiar
- RO: re?ntregirea familiei, reunificarea familiei
- SE: familjeåterförening
- SK: zlúčenie rodiny
- SL: združevanje družine
a) the entry into and residence in an EU Member State, in accordance with Council Directive 2003/86/EC (Family Reunification Directive), by family members of a third-country national residing lawfully in that EU Member State (‘sponsor’) in order to preserve the family unit, whether the family relationship arose before or after the entry of the sponsor; or
b) between an union citizen and third-country national established outside the European Union who then subsequently enters the European Union.
2. In FR, ‘réunification familiale’ is only used when referring to family members of beneficiaries of international protection.
Part (b): Developed by EMN
- BG: създаване на семейство
- CZ: sloučení rodiny
- DE: Familienangehöriger
- EE: pere loomise eesmärgil riiki sisenemine (dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra)
- EN: family member
- ES: Miembro de la familia
- FI: perheenmuodostaminen
- FR: membre de la famille
- GA: foirmiú teaghlaigh
- GR: μέλος οικογένειας
- HU: családalapítás
- IT: componente familiare
- LT: šeimos narys
- LV: ģimenes apvienošana / ģimenes atkalapvienošana
- MT: Membru tal-familja
- NL: gezinslid
- NO: familiedannelse (b) / familiedanning (n)
- PL: założenie rodziny
- PT: membros da familia
- RO: membru de familie
- SE: familjebildning
- SK: založenie rodiny
- SL: ustanovitev družine
In the context of the Family Reunification Directive (Directive 2003/86(EC), a third-country national, as specified in Art. 4 of this Directive (normally members of the nuclear family – i.e. the spouse and the minor children), who has entered the territory of the European Union for the purpose of family reunification.
In the context of the Free Movement Directive (Directive 2004/38 EC):
(a) the spouse;
(b) the partner with whom the union citizen has contracted a registered partnership, on the basis of the legislation of a EU Member State, if the legislation of the host Member State treats registered partnerships as equivalent to marriage and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the relevant legislation of the host Member State;
(c) the direct descendants who are under the age of 21 or are dependants and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b);
(d) the dependent direct relatives in the ascending line and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b).
In the context of asylum , and in particular Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 (Dublin III Regulation), this means insofar as the family already existed in the country of origin, the following members of the applicant’s family who are present on the territory of the EU Member States:
a) the spouse of the applicant or their unmarried partner in a stable relationship, where the law or practice of the EU Member State concerned treats unmarried couples in a way comparable to married couples under its law relating to third-country nationals;
b) the minor children of couples referred to in the first indent or of the applicant, on condition that they are unmarried and regardless of whether they were born in or out of wedlock or adopted as defined under national law;
c) when the applicant is a minor and unmarried, the father, mother or another adult responsible for the applicant, whether by law or by the practice of the Member State where the adult is present;
d) when the beneficiary of international protection is a minor and unmarried, the father, mother or another adult responsible for them whether by law or by the practice of the Member State where the beneficiary is present.
Family reunification: Recital 9 and Art. 4 of Council Directive 2003/86/EC (Family Reunification Directive)
Free movement Art. 2(2) of Directive 2004/38/EC (Free Movement Directive)
- BG: миграция с цел създаване или събиране на семейство
- CZ: rodinná migrace
- DE: Familienmigration
- EE: pereränne
- EN: family migration
- ES: migración por motivos familiares
- FI: perheperusteinen maahanmuutto
- FR: migration pour des raisons familiales
- GA: imirce teaghlaigh
- GR: οικογενειακή μετανάστευση
- HU: családegyesítési célú migráció / családegyesítés
- IT: migrazione familiare
- LT: šeimos migracija
- LV: ģimenes migrācija
- MT: Migrazzjoni għal raġunijiet ta’ familja
- NL: gezinsmigratie
- NO: familiemigrasjon
- PL: migracja rodzinna
- PT: migração familiar
- RO: migraţia în scopul reîntregirii familiei
- SE: familjemigration
- SK: migrácia z rodinných dôvodov
- SL: družinska migracija
In the EU context, a concept which refers explicitly to family reunification and family formation.
EU context: Developed by EMN
- BG: член на семейство
- CZ: rodinný příslušník
- DE: Familienbildung
- EE: perekonnaliige
- EN: family formation
- ES: formación de la familia
- FI: perheenjäsen
- FR: constitution de la famille
- GA: duine muinteartha
- GR: vertimo nėra
- HU: családtag
- IT: familiare
- LT: šeimos kūrimas
- LV: ģimenes loceklis
- MT: Kompożizzjoni / Tiswira tal-familja
- NL: gezinsvorming
- NO: familiemedlem
- PL: członek rodziny
- PT: reagrupamento familiar
- RO: reîntregirea familiei
- SE: familjemedlem
- SK: rodinný príslušník / člen rodiny
- SL: družinski član
1. This term is specific to some EU Member States, particularly BE, NL, SE. In UK, this relates to the formation of family between a UK national and a third-country national only.
2. In other EU Member States, family formation is covered under family reunification.
Developed by EMN
- BG: чуждестранно население на една държава
- CZ: populace cizinců v zemi
- DE: ausländische Bevölkerung eines Landes
- EE: välisriigi kodanikest rahvastik
- EN: foreign population of a country
- ES: población extranjera
- FI: maan ulkomainen väestö
- FR: population étrangère d’un pays
- GA: daonra eachtrannach tíre
- GR: αλλοδαπός πληθυσμός
- HU: egy ország külföldi népessége
- IT: popolazione straniera di un paese
- LT: šalyje gyvenantys užsieniečiai
- LV: ārvalstnieki
- MT: Popolazzjoni barranija ta’ pajjiż
- NL: bevolking van buitenlandse nationaliteit
- NO: et lands utenlandske befolkning (b) / den utanlandske folkesetnaden i eit land (n)
- PL: populacja cudzoziemców z kraju
- PT: população estrangeira
- RO: populaţie străină
- SE: utländska medborgare
- SK: populácia cudzincov v krajine
- SL: tuje prebivalstvo države
All persons who have a certain country as their country of usual residence and who are citizens of another country.
- BG: подправен документ за пътуване или самоличност
- CZ: padělaný nebo pozměněný průkaz totožnosti
- DE: gefälschtes / betrügerisches Reise-oder Identitätsdokument
- EE: võltsitud reisi- või isikut tõendav dokument
- EN: fraudulent travel or identity document
- ES: documento de identidad o de viaje fraudulento
- FI: väärä / väärennetty matkustusasiakirja / henkilötodistus
- FR: document de voyage ou d’identité frauduleux
- GA: bréagdhoiciméad taistil nó aitheantais
- HU: hamis úti vagy személyazonosságot igazoló okmány
- IT: documento di viaggio o di identità fraudolento
- LT: suklastotas kelionės arba asmens (tapatybės) dokumentas
- LV: viltots ceļošanas vai personu apliecinošs dokuments
- MT: Dokument tal-ivjaġġar jew tal-identità frodulenti / qarrieqi
- NL: frauduleus reis- of identiteitsdocument
- NO: falskt reise- eller identitetsbevis
- PL: fałszywy dokument podróży lub tożsamości
- RO: document de călătorie sau identitate fals, falsificat sau obţinut în mod fraudulos
- SE: falsk rese- eller identitetshandling
- SK: falošný alebo pozmenený cestovný alebo identifikačný doklad / falošný alebo pozmenený cestovný doklad alebo doklad totožnosti
- SL: zlorabljena (lažna) potna listina ali dokument za izkazovanje identitete
(i) that has been falsely made or altered in some material way by anyone other than a person or agency lawfully authorised to make or issue the travel or identity document on behalf of a State; or
(ii) that has been improperly issued or obtained through misrepresentation, corruption or duress or in any other unlawful manner; or
(iii) that is being used by a person other than the rightful holder.
- BG: мигрант по принуда
- CZ: nucený migrant
- DE: Zwangsmigrant
- EE: sundsisserändaja (dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra)
- EN: forced migrant
- ES: migrante forzoso
- FI: pakkomuuttaja
- FR: migrant forcé
- GA: imirceach éigeantais
- GR: εξαναγκαστική μετανάστευση
- HU: kényszerű migráns
- IT: migrante forzato
- LT: priverstinis migrantas
- LV: piespiedu migrants
- MT: Migrant(a) kostrett(a) / sfurzat(a)
- NL: gedwongen migrant
- NO: tvungen migrant
- PL: migrant przymusowy
- PT: migrante forçado
- RO: migrant forţat
- SE: tvångsmigrant
- SK: nútený migrant
- SL: prisilni migrant
A person subject to a migratory movement in which an element of coercion exists, including threats to life and livelihood, whether arising from natural or man-made causes (e.g. movements of refugees and internally displaced persons as well as people displaced by natural or environmental disasters, chemical or nuclear disasters, famine or development projects).
- BG: принудителна миграция
- CZ: nucená migrace
- DE: erzwungene Migration / Zwangsmigration
- EE: sundränne
- EN: forced migration
- ES: migración forzosa
- FI: pakkomuutto
- FR: migration forcée
- GA: imirce éigeantais
- GR: αναγκαστική μετανάστευση
- HU: kényszerű migráció
- IT: migrazione forzata
- LT: priverstinė migracija
- LV: piespiedu migrācija
- MT: Migrazzjoni kostretta / sfurzata
- NL: gedwongen migratie
- NO: tvangsmigrasjon
- PL: migracja przymusowa
- PT: migração forçada
- RO: migraţie forţată
- SE: tvångsmigration
- SK: nútená migrácia
- SL: prisilna migracija
A migratory movement in which an element of coercion exists, including threats to life and livelihood, whether arising from natural or man-made causes (e.g. movements of refugees and internally displaced persons as well as people displaced by natural or environmental disasters, chemical or nuclear disasters, famine or development projects).
- BG: принудителен труд
- CZ: nucená práce
- DE: Zwangsarbeit
- EE: sunnitöö
- EN: forced labour
- ES: trabajo forzoso
- FI: pakkotyö
- FR: travail forcé
- GA: obair éigeantais
- HU: kényszermunka
- IT: lavoro forzato
- LT: priverčiamasis darbas
- LV: piespiedu darbs
- MT: Xogħol furzat / ta’ bilfors
- NL: gedwongen arbeid
- NO: tvangsarbeid
- PL: praca przymusowa
- RO: muncă forţată
- SE: tvångsarbete
- SK: nútená práca
- SL: prisilno delo
All work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered themselves voluntarily.
- BG: първа страна на убежище
- CZ: první země azylu
- DE: erster Asylstaat / erstes Asylland
- EE: esmane varjupaigariik
- EN: first country of asylum
- ES: primer país de asilo
- FI: ensimmäinen turvapaikkamaa
- FR: pays de premier asile
- GA: an chéad tír thearmainn
- GR: πρώτης χώρας ασύλου
- HU: elsődleges befogadó állam
- IT: paese di primo asilo
- LT: pirmoji prieglobsčio šalis
- LV: pirmā patvēruma valsts
- MT: L-Ewwel art / pajjiż tal-ażil
- NL: eerste land van asiel
- NO: første asylland
- PL: kraj pierwszego azylu
- PT: primeiro país de asilo
- RO: prima ţară de azil
- SE: första asylland
- SK: prvá krajina azylu
- SL: prva država azila
(a) been recognised as a refugee and they can still avail themselves of that protection; or
(b) otherwise enjoys sufficient protection, including benefiting from the principle of non-refoulement, provided that they will be readmitted to that country.
2. In accordance with relevant legislation, an applicant shall be allowed to challenge the application of the first country of asylum concept in relation to their particular circumstances.
- BG: пограничен работник
- CZ: přeshraniční pracovník
- DE: Grenzarbeitnehmer
- EE: piiriala töötaja
- EN: frontier worker
- ES: trabajador transfronterizo
- FI: rajatyöntekijä
- FR: travailleur frontalier
- GA: oibrí trasteorann
- GR: συνοριακός εργαζόμενος
- HU: határmenti ingázó (munkavállaló)
- IT: lavoratore straniero frontaliero
- LT: pasienio darbuotojas
- LV: pārrobežu darba ņēmējs
- MT: Ħaddiem ta’ mal-fruntiera
- NL: grensarbeider
- NO: arbeidstaker som grensependler (b) / arbeidstakar som grensependlar (n)
- PL: pracownik przygraniczny
- PT: trabalhador fronteiriço
- RO: lucrător transfrontalier
- SE: gränsarbetare
- SK: pracovník z prihraničnej oblasti
- SL: obmejni delavec
In the EU context, a worker who is employed in the frontier zone of an EU Member State but who returns each day or at least once a week to the frontier zone of a neighbouring country in which they reside and of which they are nationals.
2. Contrary to 'cross-border workers', frontier workers work in the frontier zone of the neighbouring country.
- BG: невярна декларация за родителство
- CZ: falešné prohlášení rodičovství
- DE: falsche Erklärung der Elternschaft / falsche Elternschaftsangabe
- EE: põlvnemise kohta valeandmete esitamine
- EN: false declaration of parenthood
- ES: declaraciÓn falsa de paternidad / maternidad
- FI: valheellinen vanhemmuuden ilmoittaminen
- FR: fausse déclaration de parentalité
- GA: bréagdhearbhú tuismíochta
- HU: hamis szülői nyilatkozat
- IT: falsa dichiarazione di filiazione
- LT: melagingas tėvystės pripažinimas
- LV: vecāku statusa viltus reģistrēšana
- MT: Dikjarazzjoni falza ta’ maternità u / jew paternità
- NL: valse ouderschapsverklaring
- NO: falsk vedgåelse av foreldreskap (b) / falsk vedgåing av foreldreskap (n)
- PL: fałszywe oświadczenie o uznaniu rodzicielstwa
- PT: falsas declarações parentesco
- RO: declaraţie de paternitate falsă
- SE: osant intygande om föräldraskap
- SK: falošné prehlásenie rodičovstva
- SL: lažna izjava o starševstvu
- BG: окончателно решение
- CZ: pravomocné rozhodnutí
- DE: rechtskräftige Entscheidung
- EE: jõustunud otsus
- EN: final decision
- ES: resolución definitiva
- FI: lainvoimainen päätös
- FR: décision finale
- GA: cinneadh críochnaitheach
- GR: οριστική απόφαση
- HU: jogerős határozat
- IT: decisione definitiva
- LT: galutinis sprendimas
- LV: galīgais lēmums
- MT: Deċiżjoni finali
- NL: onherroepelijke beslissing
- NO: endelig vedtak (b) /endeleg avgjerd (n)
- PL: ostateczna decyzja
- PT: decisão final
- RO: decizie finală
- SE: slutligt beslut
- SK: konečné rozhodnutie
- SL: dokončna odločba / pravnomočna odločba
A decision on whether the third-country national or stateless person be granted refugee status or subsidiary protection status by virtue of Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) and which is no longer subject to a remedy within the framework of Chapter V of this Directive, irrespective of whether such remedy has the effect of allowing applicants to remain in the EU Member State concerned pending its outcome.