The EMN Glossary – as one of the key products of the EMN - improves comparability by enabling a common understanding and use of terms and definitions relating to asylum and migration. The Glossary draws on a variety of sources, but primarily on the legislation of the EU asylum and immigration acquis, and makes terms available in the majority of EU Member State languages.
The online version is regularly updated and available in various languages.
- BG: превозвач
- CZ: dopravce
- DE: Transportunternehmer
- EE: vedaja
- EN: carrier
- ES: operador de transporte
- FI: liikenteenharjoittaja
- FR: transporteur
- GA: iompróir
- GR: μεταφορέας
- HU: fuvarozó
- IT: vettore
- LT: vežėjas
- LV: pārvadātājs
- MT: Operatur tat-trasport
- NL: vervoerder
- NO: transportør
- PL: przewoźnik
- PT: transportador
- RO: transportator
- SE: transportör
- SK: dopravca
- SL: prevoznik
In relation to conveyance (or transport), the owner or charterer of the conveyance.
2. The definition given in Art. 2(a) of Council Directive 2004/82/EC (API Directive) is more restrictive in that it refers explicitly to passenger transport by air and there is uncertainty as to what ‘any natural or legal person’ actually refers to, e.g. if this is the owner of the company only.
- BG: детски труд
- CZ: dětská práce
- DE: Kinderarbeit
- EE: lapstööjõu kasutamine
- EN: child labour
- ES: trabajo infantil
- FI: lapsityö
- FR: travail des enfants
- GA: fostú leanaí
- GR: παιδική εργασία
- HU: gyerekmunka
- IT: lavoro infantile
- LT: vaikų darbas
- LV: bērnu darbs
- MT: Tħaddim ta’ tfal / ta’ minorenni // Sfruttament ta’ xogħol it-tfal
- NL: kinderarbeid
- NO: barnearbeid
- PL: praca dzieci
- PT: trabalho infantil
- RO: munca pentru copii
- SE: barnarbete
- SK: detská práca
- SL: delo otrok
Any work performed by a child which deprives them of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to their physical and mental development.
- depriving them of the opportunity to attend school;
- obliging them to leave school prematurely; or
requiring them to combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work.
2. The ILO Convention No 138 specifies 15 years as the age above which, in normal circumstances, a person may participate in economic activity. According to Art. 32 of the Charter of Fundamentals Rights of the European Union, the employment of children is prohibited. The minimum age of admission to employment may not be lower than the minimum school-leaving age, without prejudice to such rules as may be more favourable to young people and except for limited derogations.
3. Not all work done by children should be classified as child labour that is to be targeted for elimination. The ILO distinguishes between ‘child work’ and ‘child labour’, the latter being used to describe the more pejorative part of ‘child work’, whereas ‘child work’ in itself could include doing light household chores and, as long as it does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling, can actually have some learning value.
- BG: дете
- CZ: dítě
- DE: Kind
- EE: laps
- EN: child
- ES: población infantil
- FI: lapsi
- FR: enfant
- GA: leanbh
- GR: παιδί
- HU: gyermek
- IT: bambino
- LT: vaikas
- LV: bērns
- MT: Tifel (Tifla) / Wild
- NL: kind
- NO: barn
- PL: dziecko
- PT: criança
- RO: copil
- SE: barn
- SK: dieťa
- SL: otrok
Every human being below the age of 18 years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier or later.
2. The term should be used to describe the relationship with other family members. When referring to an individual and in a more legal context, the term minor should be used.
- BG: трансграничен работник
- CZ: přeshraniční pracovník; příhraniční pracovník
- DE: Grenzgänger
- EE: piiriülene töötaja
- EN: cross-border worker
- ES: trabajador transfronterizo
- FI: rajatyöntekijä
- FR: travailleur transfrontalier
- GA: oibrí trasteorann
- GR: διασυνοριακής εργαζομένων
- HU: határ menti ingázó munkavállaló
- IT: lavoratore frontaliero
- LT: tarpvalstybinis darbuotojas
- LV: pārrobežu darba ņēmējs
- MT: Ħaddiem transkonfinali / jaqsam fruntiera
- NL: grensarbeider
- NO: grensependler (b) / grensependlar (n)
- PL: pracownik transgraniczny
- RO: lucrator transfrontalier
- SE: gränsarbetare
- SK: cezhraničný pracovník
- SL: čezmejni delavec
A person who works as an employee or self-employed person in one EU Member State but is recognised as residing in another (neighbouring) EU Member State.
2. The concept of cross-border workers covers different circumstances, depending on whether one takes the Community meaning (set out, in particular, in connection with social security) or the various definitions included in bilateral double-taxation agreements.
3. Where tax is concerned, bilateral double-taxation agreements determining the tax arrangements applicable to frontier workers use more restrictive definitions which additionally impose a spatial criterion: the fact of living and working in a frontier zone.
4. Often 'cross-border workers' and 'frontier workers' are considered as synonyms. However, cross-border workers are distinct from frontier workers to the extent that they do not necessarily work in the frontier zone of the host country.
- BG: страна на връщане
- CZ: země návratu
- DE: Rückkehrland
- EE: vastuvõttev riik
- EN: country of return
- ES: país de retorno
- FI: paluumaa
- FR: pays de retour
- GA: tír fillte
- GR: χώρα επιστροφής
- HU: visszatérési ország
- IT: paese di ritorno
- LT: šalis, į kurią grįžta
- LV: atgriešanas valsts (EU acquis) / izraidīšanas valsts (national)
- MT: Pajjiż fejn wieħed jirritorna / fejn w. imur lura
- NL: terugkeerland
- NO: returland
- PL: kraj powrotu
- PT: país de retorno
- RO: ţara de returnare
- SE: återvändandeland
- SK: krajina návratu
- SL: država povratka / vrnitve
In the EU context, a third country to which a third-country national returns.
2. In most cases, it is the country of origin to which a return is made, but this definition is used here in order to indicate other (possible) destinations, e.g. country of transit or another third country.
- BG: принудително връщане
- CZ: nucený návrat
- DE: zwangsweise Rückführung / Zwangsrückführung / erzwungene Rückkehr
- EE: sunnitud tagasipöördumine
- EN: compulsory return
- ES: retorno forzoso
- FI: pakkopalautus / pakkoon perustuva paluu
- FR: obligation de retour
- GA: filleadh éigeantach
- GR: αναγκαστική επιστροφή
- HU: kötelező visszatérés
- IT: ritorno obbligato
- LT: priverstinis grąžinimas
- LV: piespiedu atgriešana (EU acquis) / piespiedu izraidīšana (national)
- MT: Ritorn obbligatorju // Ripatrijazzjoni obbligatorja
- NL: gedwongen terugkeer
- NO: tvangsretur
- PL: przymusowy powrót
- RO: returnare (fortata)/returnare sub escortă
- SE: tvångsmässigt återvändande
- SK: nútený návrat
- SL: obvezno vračanje
In the EU context, the process of going back – whether in voluntary or enforced compliance with an obligation to return– to:
- one's country of origin; or
- a country of transit in accordance with EU or bilateral readmission agreements or other arrangements; or
- another third country, to which the third-country national concerned voluntarily decides to return and in which they will be accepted.
2. Outside of EU legislation the term ‘forced return’ is more commonly used and understood as a synonym with ‘compulsory return’ – i.e. return which occurs in compliance with a return decision.
- BG: интервюист
- CZ: rozhodčí
- DE: Sachbearbeiter in Verfahren für internationalen Schutz / Referent in Verfahren für internationalen Schutz (AT)
- EE: Rahvusvahelise kaitse taotluse menetleja
- EN: case worker in procedures for international protection
- ES: trabajador social en procedimientos de protección internacional
- FI: päätöksen tekijä / hakemuksen käsittelijä kansainvälisen suojelun menettelyssä
- FR: agent responsable du traitement d’une demande de protection internationale
- GA: cásoibrí nósanna imeachta um chosaint idirnáisiúnta
- GR: Υπεύθυνος αξιωματικός της διεθνούς αίτησης
- HU: menekültügyi eljárás során eljáró ügyintézők
- IT: operatore impegnato nella procedura di protezione internazionale
- LT: prašymą nagrinėti ir sprendimą dėl tarptautinės apsaugos (prieglobsčio) suteikimo priimti įgaliotas valstybės tarnautojas
- LV: ierēdnis, kas izskata starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikumus
- MT: Operatur(-triċi) soċjali fi proċeduri għall-protezzjoni internazzjonali
- NL: hoor- en beslisambtenaar in asielzaken (BE: protection officer)
- NO: saksbehandler for søknad om internasjonal beskyttelse (asyl) (b) / sakshandsamar for søknad om internasjonalt vern (asyl) (n)
- PL: pracownik / urzędnik prowadzący postępowanie w sprawach z zakresu ochrony międzynardowej
- RO: ofiter de decizie
- SE: handläggare av ansökningar om internationellt skydd
- SK: rozhodovač
- SL: pristojna uradna oseba v postopku za mednarodno zaščito
Personnel of the determining authority responsible for examining and assessing an application for international protection and competent to take a decision at first instance in such a case.
This term specifically refers to persons examining and assessing applications for international protection. There are other types of case workers i.e. for processing visa applications, which are not explicitely mentioned in the glossary with an extra term.
- BG: страна на гражданство
- CZ: země státní příslušnosti
- DE: Land der Staatsangehörigkeit / Staatsbürgerschaft
- EE: kodakondsusjärgne riik
- EN: country of nationality
- ES: país de nacionalidad
- FI: kansalaisuusvaltio
- FR: pays de nationalité
- GA: tír náisiúntachta
- GR: Χώρα της ιθαγένειας
- HU: állampolgárság szerinti ország
- IT: paese di cittadinanza
- LT: pilietybės šalis
- LV: pilsonības valsts
- MT: Pajjiż tan-nazzjonalità
- NL: land waarvan iemand onderdaan is (syn.: land waarvan iemand het staatsburgerschap heeft)
- NO: statsborgerskapsland (b) / statsborgarskapsland (n)
- PL: państwo, którego obywatelem jest cudzoziemiec
- PT: país de nacionalidade
- RO: ţara de cetăţenie
- SE: medborgarskapsland
- SK: krajina štátneho občianstva / krajina štátnej príslušnosti
- SL: država katere oseba je državljan
The country (or countries) of which a person holds citizenship.
2. In some EU Member States, this term is used in the context of return.
Developed by EMN
- BG: гражданство
- CZ: státní občanství
- DE: Staatsangehörigkeit / Staatsbürgerschaft
- EE: kodakondsus
- EN: citizenship
- ES: nacionalidad
- FI: kansalaisuus
- FR: citoyenneté
- GA: saoránacht
- GR: ιθαγένεια; υπηκοότητα
- HU: állampolgárság
- IT: cittadinanza
- LT: pilietybė
- LV: pilsonība
- MT: Ċittadinanza
- NL: staatsburgerschap
- NO: statsborgerskap (b) / statsborgarskap (n)
- PL: obywatelstwo
- PT: nacionalidade
- RO: cetăţenie
- SE: medborgarskap
- SK: štátne občianstvo / štátna príslušnosť
- SL: državljanstvo
The particular legal bond between an individual and their State, acquired by birth or naturalisation, whether by declaration, choice, marriage or other means according to national legislation.
2. According to Art. 1 of the Hague Convention on Certain Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality Law, 1930, it is for each State to determine under its own laws who are its nationals.
3. The tie of nationality confers individual rights and imposes obligations that a State reserves for its population. Nationality carries with it certain consequences as regards migration, such as the right of a State to protect its nationals against violations of their individual rights committed by foreign authorities (particularly by means of diplomatic protection), the duty to accept its nationals onto its territory, and the prohibition to expel them.
- BG: основания за преследване, посочени в Конвенцията за статута на бежанците
- CZ: důvody pro udělení azylu dle Ženevské úmluvy
- DE: Verfolgungsgründe (nach) der Genfer Konvention, Konventionsgründe
- EE: Genfi konventsioonis sätestatud tagakiusamise alused
- EN: Convention grounds for persecution
- ES: motivos de persecución Convenio de Ginebra de 1951 y Protocolo de 1967
- FI: Geneven yleissopimuksen mukaiset vainon perusteet
- FR: motifs de persécution au sens de la Convention de Genève
- GA: forais ghéarleanúna de réir Choinbhinsiún na Ginéive
- GR: λόγους δίωξης
- IT: cause di persecuzione ex Convenzione di Ginevra
- LT: persekiojimo pagrindai pagal Konvenciją
- LV: Ženēvas konvencijas noteiktie vajāšanas pamati
- MT: Motivi għall-persekuzzjoni skont il-Konvenzjoni
- NL: gronden voor vervolging in de zin van het Vluchtelingenverdrag
- NO: konvensjonsgrunnene for forfølgelse (b) / konvensjonsgrunnane for forfølging (n)
- RO: motive de persecutie stabilite de Conventia de la Geneva din 1951
- SE: konventionsgrunder för förföljelse
- SK: dôvody prenasledovania podľa Ženevského dohovoru
- SL: konvencijski razlogi za preganjanje / razlogi za preganjanje po Ženevski konvenciji iz 1951
2. The following definitions come into play when States attempt to determine who is and who is not a refugee :
- race is used in its broadest sense and includes ethnic and social groups of common descent;
- religion also has meaning, including identification with a group that tends to share common traditions or beliefs, as well as the active practice of religion;
- nationality includes an individual’s citizenship. Persecution of ethnic, linguistic and cultural groups within a population also may be termed persecution based on nationality;
- a particular social group refers to people who share a similar background, habits or social status. This category often overlaps with persecution based on one of the other four grounds. It has applied to families of capitalists, landowners, homosexuals, entrepreneurs and former members of the military;
- political opinion refers to ideas not tolerated by the authorities, including opinions critical of government policies and methods. It includes opinions attributed to individuals even if the individual does not in fact hold that opinion. Individuals who conceal their political opinions until after they have fled their countries may qualify for refugee status if they can show that their views are likely to subject them to persecution if they return home.
- BG: оценка на достоверността
- CZ: posouzení věrohodnosti; ověření věrohodnosti
- DE: Glaubwürdigkeitsprüfung / Prüfung der Glaubwürdigkeit
- EE: usaldusväärsuse (usutavuse) hindamine
- EN: credibility assessment
- ES: evaluación de la credibilidad
- FI: uskottavuusarviointi
- FR: évaluation de la crédibilité
- GA: measúnú creidiúnachta
- GR: αξιολόγηση της αξιοπιστίας
- HU: szavahihetőség értékelése
- IT: valutazione di credibilità
- LT: patikimumo vertinimas
- LV: ticamības novērtējums
- MT: Evalwazzjoni tal-kredibilità
- NL: beoordeling van de geloofwaardigheid
- NO: vurdering av troverdighet (b) / vurdering av truverd (n)
- PL: ocena wiarygodności
- RO: evaluarea credibilitatii
- SE: trovärdighetsbedömning
- SK: preukazovanie dôveryhodnosti
- SL: ocena zanesljivosti
The process of gathering relevant information from the applicant for international protection, examining it in the light of all the information available to the case worker in procedures for international protection, for the purpose of the determination of qualification for refugee status and / or subsidiary protection status.
2. Credibility is established where the applicant has presented a claim which is coherent and plausible, not contradicting generally known facts, and therefore is, on balance, capable of being believed.
- BG: бежанец съгласно Конвенцията за статута на бежанците от 1951 г.
- CZ: azylant
- DE: Konventionsflüchtling
- EE: konventsioonipagulane
- EN: Convention refugee
- ES: refugiado (en términos de la Convención de Ginebra)
- FI: Geneven yleissopimuksen mukainen pakolainen
- FR: réfugié au sens de la Convention de Genève
- GA: dídeanaí de réir Choinbhinsiún na Ginéive
- GR: πρόσφυγας (σύμφωνα με την συνθήκη της Γενέυης)
- HU: konvenciós menekült
- IT: rifugiato ex Convenzione di Ginevra
- LT: pabėgėlis pagal Konvenciją
- LV: bēglis Ženēvas konvencijas izpratnē
- MT: Rifuġjat(a) skont il-Konvenzjoni ta’ Ġinevra
- NL: verdragsvluchteling
- NO: konvensjonsflyktning
- PL: uchodźca konwencyjny
- PT: refugiado (na acepção da Convenção de Genebra de 1951 relativa aos refugiados)
- RO: refugiat în baza convenţiei de la Geneva
- SE: konventionsflykting
- SK: utečenec podľa Ženevského dohovoru
- SL: konvencijski begunec /begunec po Ženevski konvenciji
Person recognized as a refugee by States under the criteria in Art. 1A of the Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol, and entitled to the enjoyment of a variety of rights under that Convention.
- BG: бежанец вследствие на (гражданска) война
- CZ: uprchlík z důvodu (občanské) války
- DE: (Bürger-)Kriegsflüchtling
- EE: sõjapõgenik
- EN: (civil) war refugee
- ES: refugiado por conflictos bélicos
- FI: ([sisällis]sota)pakolainen
- FR: réfugié de guerre (civile)
- GA: dídeanaí cogaidh chathartha
- GR: πρόσφυγας εμφυλίου πολέμου
- HU: (polgár) háborús menekült
- IT: rifugiato a causa di una guerra civile
- LT: pabėgėlis dėl (pilietinio) karo
- LV: [pilsoņu] kara bēglis
- MT: Rifuġjat(a) minħabba gwerra (ċivili)
- NL: [burger]oorlogsvluchteling
- NO: (borger)krigsflyktning (b) / (borgar)krigsflyktning (n)
- PL: uchodźca wojenny
- PT: refugiados de guerra
- RO: refugiat de razboi (civil)
- SE: krigsflykting
- SK: utečenec z dôvodu (občianskej) vojny
- SL: (civilni) vojni begunec
A person who leaves their country to escape from the effects of armed conflicts (direct effects of fighting, assaults of combat troops, displacements etc.).
2. If there is a mass influx to the EU of such persons who have been displaced, they may also be eligible for temporary protection in accordance with Council Directive 2001/55/EC (Temporary Protection Directive).
- BG: престъпление срещу човечеството
- CZ: zločin proti lidskoti
- DE: Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit
- EE: inimsusevastane kuritegu
- EN: crime against humanity
- ES: crimen contra la humanidad
- FI: rikos ihmiskuntaa / ihmisyyttä vastaan
- FR: crime contre l’humanité
- GA: coir i gcoinne an chine dhaonna
- GR: έγκλημα κατά της ανθρωπότητας
- HU: emberiség elleni bűncselekmény
- IT: crimine contro l’umanità
- LT: nusikaltimas žmoniškumui
- LV: noziegums pret cilvēci
- MT: Reat kontra l-umanità
- NL: misdrijf tegen de menselijkheid
- NO: forbrytelse mot menneskeheten (b) / brotsverk mot menneskeslekta (n)
- PL: zbrodnia przeciwko ludzkości
- PT: crimes contra a humanidade
- RO: crimă împotriva umanităţii
- SE: brott mot mänskligheten
- SK: zločin proti ľudskosti
- SL: zločin proti človeštvu
Act committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack.
a) murder;
b) extermination;
d) deportation or forcible transfer of population;
e) imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
f) torture;
g) rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilisation, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
h) persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;
i)enforced disappearance of persons;
j) the crime of apartheid;
k) other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
- BG: Платформа за сътрудничество по въпросите на миграцията и развитието
- CZ: Platforma pro spolupráci - migrace a rozvoj
- DE: Kooperationsplattform für Migration und Entwicklung
- EE: rände ja arenguabi koostööplatvorm
- EN: Cooperation Platform on Migration and Development
- ES: Plataforma de Cooperación sobre Migración y Desarrollo
- FI: muuttoliikettä ja kehitystä käsittelevä yhteistyöfoorumi
- FR: Plate-forme de coopération sur la migration et le développement
- GA: Clár Comhoibrithe um Imirce agus Fhorbairt
- GR: πλατφόρμες συνεργασίας
- HU: Együttműködési Platform a migráció és jejlesztés területén
- IT: Piattaforma di cooperazione sulla migrazione e lo sviluppo
- LT: Migracijos ir vystymosi bendradarbiavimo platforma
- LV: sadarbības platforma par migrāciju un attīstību
- MT: Pjattaforma ta’ Kooperazzjoni fuq il-Migrazzjoni u l-Iżvilupp
- NL: samenwerkingsplatform
- NO: Samarbeidsplattform om migrasjon og utvikling
- PL: Platforma Współpracy na rzecz Migracji i Rozwoju
- PT: plataformas de cooperação
- RO: Platforma de cooperare cu privire la Migratie si dezvoltare
- SE: samarbetsplattform för migration och utveckling
- SK: Platforma spolupráce v oblasti migrácie a rozvoja
- SL: Platforma za sodelovanje na področju migracij in razvoja
A concept in the framework of the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM) which bring together migration and development actors in a country or region to manage migration more effectively, in the interests of all, along specific migratory routes.
2. Such platforms bring together representatives of the country or countries concerned with EU Member States, the Commission and international organisations.
- BG: общ коефициент на нетна миграция
- CZ: hrubá míra migračního salda
- DE: rohe Netto-Migrationsrate
- EE: rändesaldo määr
- EN: crude rate of net migration
- ES: tasa neta de migración
- FI: nettomaahanmuutto tuhatta henkeä kohden
- FR: taux brut de solde migratoire
- GA: garbhráta glanimirce
- GR: το ποσοστό της καθαρής μετανάστευσης
- HU: nemzetközi migráció nettó különbözete
- IT: tasso grezzo di migrazione netta (o saldo migratorio)
- LT: migracijos saldo koeficientas
- LV: migrācijas saldo vispārīgais koeficients
- MT: Rata bejn wieħed u ieħor ta’ migrazzjoni netta // Rata netta ta’ migrazzjoni
- NL: bruto cijfer migratiesaldo
- NO: summarisk nettomigrasjonsrate
- PL: współczynnik salda migracji
- PT: taxa bruta do saldo migratório
- RO: ata brută de migraţie
- SE: flyttningsnetto
- SK: hrubá miera čistej migrácie / hrubá miera migračného salda
- SL: splošna stopnja neto migracije
The ratio of net migration plus adjustment during the year to the average population in that year.
The value is expressed per 1,000 inhabitants. The crude rate of net migration is equal to the difference between the crude rate of increase and the crude rate of natural increase (that is, net migration is considered as the part of population change not attributable to births and deaths). It is calculated in this way because immigration or emigration flows are either unknown or the figures are not sufficiently precise.
- BG: работник мигрант на трудов договор
- CZ: smluvní pracovní pohyb
- DE: Vertragsarbeitnehmer
- EE: lepinguline võõrtöötaja
- EN: contract migrant worker
- ES: vertimo nėra
- FI: maahanmuuttaja, jolla on rajoitettu työnteko-oikeus
- FR: travailleur migrant sous contrat
- GA: oibrí imirceach ar conradh
- GR: μισθωτός μετανάστης εργαζόμενος / Εργατικός Μετανάστης
- HU: szerződéssel rendelkező / szerződéses migráns munkavállaló
- IT: lavoratore migrante a contratto
- LT: migrantas, dirbantis pagal sutartį
- LV: līgumdarbinieks migrants
- MT: Migrant ħaddiem b’kuntratt tax-xogħol
- NL: buitenlandse contractarbeider
- NO: migrant med begrenset arbeidsavtale (b) / migrant med avgrensa arbeidsavtale (n)
- PL: migrant / pracownik kontraktowy
- PT: trabalhador migrante por conta de outrem
- RO: lucrator migrant cu contract
- SE: vertimo nėra
- SK: pracujúci migrant so zmluvou na dobu určitú
- SL: pogodbeni delavec migrant
Person working in a country other than their own under contractual arrangements that set limits on the period of employment and on the specific job held by the migrant.
2. This full term is not commonly used; ‘contract worker’, which does not necessarily apply to migrants only, is more common.
- BG: културно многообразие
- CZ: kulturní diverzita
- DE: kulturelle Vielfalt
- EE: kultuuriline mitmekesisus
- EN: cultural diversity
- ES: diversidad cultural
- FI: kulttuurinen moninaisuus / diversitetti
- FR: diversité culturelle
- GA: ilchineálacht chultúrtha
- GR: πολιτιστική ποικιλομορφία
- HU: kulturális sokféleség
- IT: diversità culturale
- LT: kultūrų įvairovė
- LV: kultūras daudzveidība
- MT: Diversità kulturali
- NL: culturele diversiteit
- NO: kulturelt mangfold (b) / kulturelt mangfald (n)
- PL: różnorodność kulturowa
- PT: diversidade cultural
- RO: diversitate culturală
- SE: kulturell mångfald
- SK: kultúrna rozmanitosť / kultúrna diverzita
- SL: kulturna raznolikost
The diversity of forms of culture in a society composed of groups of people from many different cultural backgrounds.
2. On 18 December 2006, the European Community ratified the UNESCO Convention. Preserving and promoting cultural diversity are among the Community’s founding principles: they are enshrined in the Treaty, under Art. 151, and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, under Art. 22.3.
- BG: културен плурализъм
- CZ: kulturní pluralismus
- DE: kultureller Pluralismus
- EE: kultuuride paljusus
- EN: cultural pluralism
- ES: pluralismo cultural
- FI: kulttuurinen monimuotoisuus / pluralismi
- FR: pluralisme culturel
- GA: iolrachas cultúrtha
- GR: πολιτιστικός πλουραλισμός
- HU: kulturális sokszínűség
- IT: pluralismo culturale
- LT: kultūrinis pliuralizmas
- LV: kultūras plurālisms
- MT: Pluraliżmu kulturali
- NL: multiculturalisme
- NO: kulturell pluralisme
- PL: pluralizm kulturowy
- PT: pluralismo cultural
- RO: pluralism cultural / multiculturalitate
- SE: kulturell mångfald
- SK: kultúrny pluralizmus
- SL: kulturni pluralizem
A policy aimed at the ensuring of harmonious interaction among people and groups with plural, varied and dynamic cultural identities as well as their willingness to live together.
2. See also the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Expressions, 2005.
- BG: култура
- CZ: kultura
- DE: Kultur
- EE: kultuur
- EN: culture
- ES: cultura
- FI: kulttuuri
- FR: culture
- GA: cultúr
- GR: πολιτισμός; κουλτούρα
- HU: kultúra
- IT: cultura
- LT: kultūra
- LV: kultūra
- MT: Kultura
- NL: cultuur
- NO: kultur
- PL: kultura
- PT: cultura
- RO: cultura
- SE: kultur
- SK: kultúra
- SL: kultura
The set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of a society or a social group encompassing, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs.
- BG: Споразумението от Котону
- CZ: Dohoda z Cotonou
- DE: Cotonou-Abkommen
- EE: Cotonou leping
- EN: Cotonou Agreement
- ES: Acuerdo de Cotonou
- FI: Cotonoun sopimus
- FR: Accord de Cotonou
- GA: Comhaontú Cotonou
- GR: Συμφωνία Κοτονού
- HU: Cotonou-i Egyezmény
- IT: Accordo di Cotonou
- LT: Kotonu susitarimas
- LV: Kotonū nolīgums
- MT: Ftehim (Il-) ta’ Cotonou
- NL: overeenkomst van Cotonou
- NO: Cotonou-avtalen
- PL: Porozumienie z Cotonou
- PT: Acordo de Cotonou
- RO: Acordul Cotonou
- SE: Cotonou-avtalet
- SK: Dohoda z Cotonou
- SL: Kotonoujski sporazum
The Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States of the one part and the European Union and its Member States of the other part, in order to promote and expedite the economic, cultural and social development of the ACP States, with a view to contributing to peace and security and to promoting a stable and democratic political environment.
2. Art. 13 of this agreement refers to the issue of migration which shall be the subject of in-depth dialogue in the framework of the ACP-EU Partnership.
3. For more information, see the description of the Agreement on the EuropeAid website.
- BG: страна на произход
- CZ: země původu
- DE: Herkunftsland, Herkunftsstaat
- EE: päritoluriik
- EN: country of origin
- ES: país de origen
- FI: alkuperämaa / lähtömaa
- FR: pays d’origine
- GA: tír thionscnaimh
- GR: χώρα προέλευσης
- HU: származási ország
- IT: paese di origine
- LT: kilmės šalis
- LV: izcelsmes valsts
- MT: Pajjiż tal-oriġini
- NL: land van herkomst
- NO: opprinnelseslandd (b) / opphavsland (n)
- PL: kraj pochodzenia
- PT: país de origem
- RO: ţara de origine
- SE: ursprungsland
- SK: krajina pôvodu
- SL: izvorna država
The country of nationality or, for stateless persons, of former habitual residence.
A person may have more than one country of origin.
- BG: страна на дестинация
- CZ: cílová země
- DE: Zielland
- EE: sihtriik
- EN: country of destination
- ES: país de destino
- FI: kohdemaa
- FR: pays de destination
- GA: tír cinn scríbe (iolra: tíortha ceann scríbe)
- GR: χώρα προορισμού
- HU: célország
- IT: paese di destinazione
- LT: kelionės tikslo šalis
- LV: mērķa valsts
- MT: Pajjiż fid-destinazzjoni
- NL: land van bestemming
- NO: destinasjonsland
- PL: kraj docelowy
- PT: país de destino
- RO: ţara de destinaţie
- SE: destinationsland
- SK: cieľová krajina
- SL: ciljna država
The country that is a destination for migration flows (regular or irregular).
- BG: Център за информация, дискусии и обмен оносно преминаването на границите и имиграцията
- CZ: Centrum pro informace, diskusi a výměnu názorů k překačování hranic a imigraci
- DE: Informations-, Diskussions- und Austauschzentrum für Fragen in Zusammenhang mit dem Überschreiten der Außengrenzen und der Einwanderung
- EE: piiriületuse- ja sisserändealase teabe, analüüsi ja infovahetuse keskus
- EN: Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration
- ES: Centro de información, reflexión e intercambio en materia de cruce de fronteras e inmigración
- FI: Rajanylitys- ja maahanmuuttoasioiden tiedotus-, tarkastelu- ja tietojenvaihtokeskus
- FR: Centre d’information, de réflexion et d’échanges en matière de franchissement des frontières et d’immigration
- GA: an Lárionad um Fhaisnéis, Plé agus Malartú i dtaca le Trasnú Imeallchríche agus Inimirce
- GR: Κέντρο Ενημέρωσης, Συζήτησης και Ανταλλαγής για τη Μετανάστευση και την Συνοριακή Διέλευση
- HU: Külső Határok Átlépésével és Bevándorlással foglalkozó Információ-,Vita-, és Véleménycsere Központ
- IT: Centro di Informazione, di Riflessione e di Scambi in materia di Attraversamento delle Frontiere e di Immigrazione
- LT: Informacijos, diskusijų ir keitimosi duomenimis sienų kirtimo ir imigracijos klausimais centras
- LV: Centrs informācijai, apspriedēm un apmaiņām par robežšķērsošanu un imigrāciju
- MT: Ċentru (Iċ-) ta’ Informazzjoni, Diskussjoni u Skambji dwar il-Qsim ta’ Fruntieri u l-Immigrazzjoni
- NL: Centrum voor informatie, beraad en gegevensuitwisseling inzake grensoverschrijding en immigratie
- NO: Senter for informasjon, diskusjon og utveksling om grensepassering og innvandring
- PL: Centrum Wymiany Informacji nt. Przekraczania Granic i Imigracji
- PT: Centro de Informação, Reflexão e Intercâmbio em matéria de Passagem das Fronteiras e Imigração
- RO: Centrul de informare, reflecţie şi schimb de informaţii cu privire la trecerea frontierei şi imigraţie
- SE: Centrum för information, diskussion och utbyte i frågor som rör passage av gränser och invandring
- SK: Centrum pre informácie, diskusiu a výmenu v oblasti prekračovania hraníc a prisťahovalectva
- SL: Center za podatke, razprave in izmenjave glede prečkanja meje in priseljevanja
A body assisting the EU Member States in effectively studying legal migration so as to prevent irregular migration and unlawful residence, in effectively combating immigration crime, in better detecting forged documents and in improving expulsion practice.
2. In December 2009, as a consequence of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, COREPER decided to abolish CIREFI and to transfer its functions to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX).
- BG: Комитет по имиграция и убежище
- CZ: Výbor pro přistěhovalectví a azyl
- DE: Ausschuss für Einwanderung und Asyl
- EE: sisserände- ja varjupaigakomitee
- EN: Committee on Immigration and Asylum
- ES: Comité de Inmigración y Asilo
- FI: Maahanmuutto- ja turvapaikka-asioiden komitea
- FR: Comité sur l’immigration et l’asile
- GA: An Coiste um Inimrice agus Thearmann
- GR: Επιτροπή για τη Μετανάστευση και το Άσυλο
- HU: Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Bizottság
- IT: Comitato Immigrazione e Asilo
- LT: Imigracijos ir prieglobsčio komitetas
- LV: Imigrācijas un patvēruma komiteja
- MT: Kumitat dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u l-Ażil
- NL: Comité voor immigratie en asiel
- NO: Komiteen for innvandrings- og asylspørsmål
- PL: Komitet ds. Imigracji i Azylu
- PT: Comité Imigração e Asilo
- RO: Comitetul Imigraţie şi Azil
- SE: kommittén för frågor om invandring och asyl
- SK: Výbor pre prisťahovalectvo a azyl
- SL: Odbor za priseljevanje in azil
A European Commission-led expert group aimed at facilitating an informal exchange of views between EU Member State administrations and the Commission services on political and legal issues related to migration, border and asylum.
2. The CIA is also used as a forum for collecting information on the situation in EU Member States (via questionnaires) on selected policy-relevant issues and where the Commission can report to EU Member States on its activities.
3. Participants from EU Member States are nominated on an ad-hoc basis; normally both ‘generalists’ from the Permanent Representations and ‘specialists’ from the capitals are present. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and international organisations such as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are sometimes invited to join discussions of the CIA as active observers.
4. For more information, see the European Commission Register of Commission Expert Groups.
- BG: верижна миграция
- CZ: řetězová migrace
- DE: Kettenmigration
- EE: ahelränne
- EN: chain migration
- ES: cadena migratoria
- FI: ketjumaahanmuutto
- FR: migration en chaîne
- GA: imirce shlabhrúil
- GR: αλυσίδα μετανάστευση
- HU: lánc-migráció
- IT: catena migratoria
- LV: ķēdes migrācija
- MT: Katina ta’ migrazzjoni
- NL: kettingmigratie
- NO: kjedemigrasjon
- PL: migracja łańcuchowa
- RO: migratie in lant
- SE: kedjemigration
- SK: reťazová migrácia
- SL: verižna migracija
The practice where those who have settled on a family reunification basis can themselves sponsor further family members, consistent with European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) obligations.
2. Chain migration may also be based on ethnic or family ties with members of the same family migrating at different times, usually with primary wage earners migrating first, followed by secondary or non-wage earners. In countries with more or less liberal regulations on the rights of migrants to family reunification usually in accordance with international conventions, family reunification as an incidence of chain migration explains much of the growth in the total migrant population.
- BG: vertimo nėra
- CZ: účelové partnerství
- DE: Scheinpartnerschaft
- EE: tsiviilpartnerlus (riigis seadusliku viibimise aluse saamiseks)
- EN: civil partnership of convenience
- ES: unión civil de conveniencia
- FI: harhautustarkoituksessa solmittu rekisteröity parisuhde
- FR: partenariat civil de complaisance
- GA: páirtnéireacht shibhialta áise
- GR: εικονικού σχέση συμβίωσης / σχέση συμβίωσης της εύκολα
- HU: névleges élettársi kapcsolat
- IT: unione civile fittizia
- LT: fiktyvi registruota partnerystė
- LV: fiktīvas partnerattiecības
- MT: Sħubija / Unjoni ċivili ta’ konvenjenza
- NL: schijnpartnerschap
- NO: proformapartnerskap (b) / proformapartnarskap (n)
- PL: fikcyjny związek partnerski
- RO: parteneriat (civil) de convenienta
- SE: skenpartnerskap
- SK: účelové registrované partnerstvo
- SL: partnerska skupnost iz koristoljubja
A civil partnership contracted for the sole purpose of enabling the person concerned to enter or reside in a EU Member State.
- BG: Обща европейска система за убежище
- CZ: Společný evropský azylový systém
- DE: Gemeinsames Europäisches Asylsystem
- EE: ühtne Euroopa varjupaigasüsteem
- EN: Common European Asylum System
- ES: Sistema Europeo Común de Asilo
- FI: Euroopan yhteinen turvapaikkajärjestelmä
- FR: régime d’asile européen commun
- GA: Comhchóras Tearmainn Eorpach
- GR: Κοινό Ευρωπαϊκό Σύστημα Ασύλου
- HU: Közös Európai Menekültügyi Rendszer
- IT: Sistema europeo comune di asilo
- LT: bendra Europos prieglobsčio sistema
- LV: Kopējā Eiropas patvēruma sistēma
- MT: Sistema Ewropea Komuni għall-Ażil
- NL: Gemeenschappelijk Europees Asielstelsel
- NO: Det felles europeiske asylsystemet
- PL: Wspólny Europejski System Azylowy
- PT: Sistema Europeu Comum de Asilo
- RO: Sistemul European Comun de Azil
- SE: gemensamt europeiskt asylsystem
- SK: Spoločný európsky azylový systém
- SL: Skupni evropski azilni sistem
A framework of agreed rules which establish common procedures for international protection and a uniform status for those who are granted refugee status or subsidiary protection based on the full and inclusive application of the Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol and which aims to ensure fair and humane treatment of applicants for international protection, to harmonise asylum systems in the EU and reduce the differences between Member States on the basis of binding legislation, as well as to strengthen practical cooperation between national asylum administrations and the external dimension of asylum.
(a) a uniform status of asylum for nationals of third countries, valid throughout the European Union;
(b) a uniform status of subsidiary protection for nationals of third countries who, without obtaining European asylum, are in need of international protection;
(c) a common system of temporary protection for displaced persons in the event of a massive inflow;
(d) common procedures for the granting and withdrawing of uniform asylum or subsidiary protection status;
(e) criteria and mechanisms for determining which Member State is responsible for considering an application for asylum or subsidiary protection;
(f) standards concerning the conditions for the reception of applicants for asylum or subsidiary protection;
(g) partnership and cooperation with third countries for the purpose of managing inflows of people applying for asylum or subsidiary or temporary protection.
- BG: Общи основни принципи
- CZ: společné základní principy
- DE: Gemeinsame Grundprinzipien
- EE: ühtsed aluspõhimõtted
- EN: Common Basic Principles
- ES: principios básicos comunes
- FI: yhteiset perusperiaatteet
- FR: principes de base communs
- GA: comhphrionsabail bhunúsacha
- GR: κοινές βασικές αρχές
- HU: közös alapelvek
- IT: Principi Comuni di Base
- LT: bendrieji pagrindiniai integracijos principai
- LV: kopīgie pamatprincipi
- LT: bendrieji pagrindiniai integracijos principai
- MT: Prinċipji Bażiċi Komuni
- NL: gemeenschappelijke basisprincipes
- NO: felles grunnleggende prinsipper (b) / Felles grunnleggjande prinsipp (n)
- PL: Wspólne Podstawowe Zasady
- PT: princípios básicos comuns
- RO: principii comune de bază
- SE: gemensamma grundprinciper
- SK: spoločné základné princípy / spoločné základné zásady
- SL: Skupna temeljna načela
In the context of EU integration policy, a set of 11 simple, non-binding but thoughtful guidelines intended to assist EU Member States in formulating their integration policies.
2. The Common Basic Principles offer a guide for EU Member States against which they can judge and assess their own efforts. They can also use these basic principles to set priorities and further develop their own measurable goals. The principles are relevant both for EU Member States with considerable experience of substantial immigration as well as for those that have more recently become destinations for significant numbers of immigrants.
3. For more information, see the EU website on integration.
- BG: циркулярна миграция
- CZ: cirkulační / cirkulární migrace
- DE: zirkuläre Migration
- EE: korduvränne
- EN: circular migration
- ES: migración circular
- FI: kiertomuutto
- FR: migration circulaire
- GA: imirce chiorclach
- GR: κυκλική μετανάστευση
- HU: körkörös migráció
- IT: migrazione circolare
- LT: apykaitinė migracija
- LV: cirkulārā migrācija
- MT: Migrazzjoni ċirkolari
- NL: circulaire migratie
- NO: sirkulær migrasjon
- PL: migracja cyrkulacyjna
- PT: migração circular
- RO: migraţie circulară
- SE: cirkulär migration
- SK: okružná migrácia / cirkulárna migrácia
- SL: krožna migracija
A repetition of legal migration by the same person between two or more countries.
(a) Circular migration of third-country nationals settled in the EU
This category of circular migration gives people the opportunity to engage in an activity (business, professional, voluntary or other) in their country of origin while retaining their main residence in one of the EU Member States. This covers various groups, e.g.:
- business persons working in the EU and wishing to start an activity in their country of origin (or in another third country); and
- doctors, professors or other professionals willing to support their country of origin by conducting part of their professional activity there.
(b) Circular migration of persons residing in a third country
Circular migration could create an opportunity for persons residing in a third country to come to the EU temporarily for work, study, training or a combination of these, on the condition that, at the end of the period for which they were granted entry, they must re-establish their main residence and their main activity in their country of origin. Circularity can be enhanced by giving migrants the possibility, once they have returned, to retain some form of privileged mobility to and from the EU Member States where they were formerly residing, for example in the form of simplified admission / re-entry procedures. This category covers a wide array of situations, spanning the whole spectrum of migrants, including:
- third-country nationals wishing to work temporarily in the EU, e.g. in seasonal employment;
- third-country nationals wishing to study or train in Europe before returning to their country;
- third-country nationals who, after having completed their studies, wish to be employed in the EU (e.g. as trainees) to acquire professional experience which is difficult to obtain at home, before returning;
- third-country researchers wishing to carry out a research project in the EU;
- third-country nationals who wish to take part in intercultural people-to-people exchanges and other activities in the field of culture, active citizenship, education and youth (such as, for example, training courses, seminars, events, study visits);
- third-country nationals who wish to carry out an unremunerated voluntary service pursuing objectives of general interest in the EU.