The EMN Glossary – as one of the key products of the EMN - improves comparability by enabling a common understanding and use of terms and definitions relating to asylum and migration. The Glossary draws on a variety of sources, but primarily on the legislation of the EU asylum and immigration acquis, and makes terms available in the majority of EU Member State languages.
The online version is regularly updated and available in various languages.
- BG: управление на миграционните процеси
- CZ: řízená migrace
- DE: gesteuerte Migration
- EE: juhitud ränne
- EN: managed migration
- ES: gestión integral de la migración
- FI: hallittu maahanmuutto
- FR: gestion des migrations
- GA: imirce bhainistithe
- GR: ελεγχόμενη μετανάστευση
- HU: migráció kezelés / migráció menedzsment (+ well-managed migration = megfelelően kezelt migráció)
- IT: migrazione gestita
- LT: valdoma migracija
- LV: pārvaldīta migrācija
- MT: Ġestjoni ta’ flussi migratorji
- NL: gereguleerde migratie
- NO: styrt migrasjon
- PL: migracja zarządzana
- PT: migração assistida / Gestão de Migrações
- RO: migraţie controlată
- SE: reglerad migration
- SK: riadená migrácia
- SL: upravljanje migracij / vodene migracije
An approach used by the EU and EU Member States to structure the management of all aspects of migration into and within the EU of both third-country nationals and EU nationals, particularly the entry, admission, residence, integration and return, as well as of refugees and others in need of protection.
Developed by EMN
- BG: Механизъм за взаимно информиране
- CZ: Mechanismus vzájemné výměny informací
- DE: Mechanismus zur gegenseitigen Information über asyl- und einwanderungspolitische Maßnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten
- EE: vastastikuse teabesüsteemi
- EN: mutual information mechanism
- ES: Mecanismo de Información Mutua
- FI: keskinäinen tiedottamisjärjestelmä
- FR: mécanisme d’information mutuelle
- GA: Sásra um Fhaisnéis Fhrithpháirteach
- GR: μηχανισμός αμοιβαίας πληροφόρησης
- HU: kölcsönös tájékoztatási mechanizmus
- IT: Meccanismo di Informazione Reciproca
- LT: tarpusavio keitimosi informacija mechanizmas
- LV: savstarpējās informācijas apmaiņas mehānisms
- MT: Mekkaniżmu għal Informazzjoni Reċiproka
- NL: Wederzijds Informatiemechanisme
- NO: Ordning for gjensidig informasjonsutveksling
- PL: Mechanizm Wymiany Informacji
- PT: Mecanismo de Informação Mútua
- RO: mecanismul de informare mutuală
- SE: system för ömsesidigt informationsutbyte
- SK: mechanizmus vzájomnej výmeny informácií
- SL: Medsebojni informacijski sistem
A mechanism for the mutual exchange of information concerning national measures in the areas of asylum and immigration that are likely to have a significant impact on several EU Member States or on the European Union as a whole.
The mechanism also allows for the preparation of exchanges of views and debates on such measures.
- BG: споразумение за взаимно признаване
- CZ: smlouva o uznávání rovnocennosti dokladů (o vzdělání)
- DE: gegenseitige Anerkennungsvereinbarung
- EE: vastastikuse tunnustamise leping
- EN: mutual recognition agreement
- ES: acuerdo de reconocimiento mutuo
- FI: sopimus vastavuoroisesta tunnustamisesta
- FR: accord de reconnaissance mutuelle
- GA: comhaontú maidir le haitheantas frithpháirteach
- HU: kölcsönös elismerési megállapodás
- IT: accordo di reciproco riconoscimento
- LT: susitarimas dėl abipusio pripažinimo
- LV: savstarpējas atzīšanas līgums
- MT: Ftehim għar-rikonoxximent reċiproku
- NL: overeenkomst inzake wederzijdse erkenning
- NO: avtale om gjensidig godkjenning
- PL: umowa o wzajemnym uznaniu kwalifikacji
- RO: acord de recunoaştere mutuală
- SE: avtal för ömsesidigt erkännande av kvalifikationer
- SK: dohoda o vzájomnom uznávaní rovnocennosti dokladov o vzdelaní
- SL: sporazum o vzajemnem priznavanju
Agreements on the recognition of foreign qualifications negotiated by governments and professional organisations in several countries by setting out clear rules for licensing or certifying migrant professionals who move between signatory countries in order to reduce, or even eliminate, the need for case-by-case assessments when applicants have been trained in systems conferring essentially comparable skills and knowledge.
2. The furthest-reaching and most comprehensive system is the EU’s system outlined in Council Directive 2005/36/EC (Professional Qualification Directive) which covers all regulated occupations in all EU Member States and reduces regulatory authorities’ discretion to reject applicants that fall under its purview.
- BG: Регионална инициатива по миграция, убежище и бежанци
- CZ: Regionální iniciativa pro migraci, azyl a uprchlíky
- DE: Regionale Migrations-, Asyl- und Flüchtlingsinitiative
- EE: rände, varjupaiga ja pagulaste regionaalne meede (dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra)
- EN: Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative
- ES: iniciativa regional para la migración, el asilo y los refugiados
- FI: maahanmuuttoa, turvapaikkaa ja pakolaisia koskeva alueellinen aloite
- FR: Initiative régionale en matière de migration, d’asile et de retour des réfugiés
- GA: Tionscnamh Réigiúnach um Imirce, Tearmann & Dídeanaithe
- GR: Περιφερειακή Πρωτοβουλία για τη Μετανάστευση, το Άσυλο και τους Πρόσφυγες
- HU: Migráció és Menekültügyi Regionális Kezdeményezés
- IT: Iniziativa Regionale Migrazione, Asilo, Rifugiati
- LT: Regioninė migracijos, prieglobsčio ir pabėgėlių iniciatyva
- LV: Migrācijas, patvēruma un bēgļu reģionālā iniciatīva
- MT: Inizzjattiva Reġjonali dwar il-Migrazzjoni, l-Ażil, u r-Rifuġjati
- NL: Regionaal Migratie-, Asiel- en Vluchtelingeninitiatief
- NO: regionalt initiativ for asyl og flyktninger for Vest-Balkan (b) / regionalt initiativ for asyl og flyktningar for Vest-Balkan (n)
- PL: Regionalna Inicjatywa w sprawach Migracji, Azylu i Uchodźstwa
- PT: iniciativa regional sobre migração, asilo e refugiados
- RO: Iniţiativa regională cu privire la migraţaie, azil şi refugiaţi
- SE: Regionala initiativet för migration, asyl och flyktingar
- SK: Regionálna iniciatíva pre migráciu, azyl a utečencov
- SL: Regionalna pobuda za migracije, azil in begunce
An initiative forming part of the South-East European Cooperation Process, which aims to enhance regional cooperation in the field of migration by promoting a comprehensive, integrated, and coherent approach to the issues of migration, asylum, border management, visa policies and consular cooperation, refugee return and settlement in order to meet international and European standards.
- the MARRI Regional Forum, which provides political and framework support to the Initiative, and
- the MARRI Regional Centre in Skopje, which carries out practical cooperation and activities of MARRI and supports the implementation of the decisions reached by the Regional Forum.
2. MARRI’s top priority is the enhancement of regional cooperation in its fields of activities among countries in the region, as a vital part of the EU integration process and in line with the Thessaloniki Agenda for the Western Balkans.
3. For more information, see the website of MARRI.
- BG: Партньорство за мобилност
- CZ: partnerství pro mobilitu
- DE: Mobilitätspartnerschaft
- EE: rändepartnerlus
- EN: mobility partnership
- ES: asociación de movilidad
- FI: liikkuvuuskumppanuus
- FR: partenariat pour la mobilité
- GA: comhpháirtíocht soghluaisteachta
- GR: σύμπραξη κινητικότητας
- HU: mobilitási partnerség
- IT: partenariato per la mobilità
- LT: partnerystė judumo srityje
- LV: mobilitātes partnerība
- MT: Multikulturaliżmu
- NL: mobiliteitspartnerschappen
- NO: mobilitetspartnerskap (b) / mobilitetspartnarskap (n)
- PL: Partnerstwo na rzecz Mobilności
- PT: parcerias para a mobilidade
- RO: parteneriat de mobilitate
- SE: partnerskap för rörlighet
- SK: partnerstvo v oblasti mobility / mobilitné partnerstvo
- SL: partnerstvo za mobilnost
A cooperation arrangement, on the basis of political declarations, that provides the bilateral framework for dialogue and practical cooperation to address relevant migration and mobility issues of mutual concern primarily with EU neighbourhood countries, including short and long-term mobility, on a voluntary basis.
2. For further information on the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility and on mobility partnerships, see the website of DG HOME.
- BG: бежанец по мандата на Върховния комисар на ООН за бежанците (ВКБООН)
- CZ: mandatorní uprchlík
- DE: Mandatsflüchtling
- EE: mandaadipagulane
- EN: mandate refugee
- ES: refugiado (bajo mandato)
- FI: mandaattipakolainen
- FR: réfugié relevant du mandat du HCR
- GA: dídeanaí de réir sainordú
- GR: πρόσφυγας εντολής
- HU: mandátumos menekült
- IT: rifugiato ex Mandato
- LT: pabėgėlis pagal mandatą
- LV: UNHCR mandāta bēglis
- MT: Rifuġjat(a) b’digriet / b’mandat
- NL: mandaatvluchteling
- NO: overføringsflyktning
- PL: uchodźca mandatowy
- PT: refugiados (Mandato)
- RO: refugiat sub mandat UNHCR
- SE: vertimo nėra
- SK: mandátny utečenec
- SL: mandatni begunec
A person who meets the criteria of the UNHCR Statute and qualifies for the protection of the UN provided by the High Commissioner for Refugees, regardless of whether or not they are in a country that is a party to the Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol, or whether or not they have been recognised by the host country as a refugee under either of these instruments.
- BG: непълнолетно лице
- CZ: nezletilý
- DE: Minderjähriger
- EE: alaealine
- EN: minor
- ES: menor
- FI: alaikäinen
- FR: mineur
- GA: mionaoiseach
- GR: ανήλικος
- HU: kiskorú
- IT: minorenne
- LT: nepilnametis
- LV: nepilngadīgais
- MT: Minorenni
- NL: minderjarige
- NO: mindreårig
- PL: małoletni
- PT: menor
- RO: minor
- SE: underårig
- SK: maloletý
- SL: mladoletnik
In a legal context and in contrast to a child, a person who, according to the law of their respective country, is under the age of majority, i.e. is not yet entitled to exercise specific civil and political rights.
2. The age specified by law, called the ‘legal age of majority’, indicates that a person acquires full legal capacity to be bound by various documents, such as contracts and deeds, that they make with others and to commit other legal acts such as voting in elections and entering marriage. The age at which a person becomes an adult varies from State to State and often varies within a State, depending upon the nature of the action taken by the person.
- BG: фиктивен брак
- CZ: účelové manželství
- DE: Scheinehe
- EE: fiktiivabielu / näiline abielu
- EN: marriage of convenience
- ES: matrimonio de complacencia
- FI: lumeavioliitto
- FR: mariage de complaisance
- GA: pósadh áisiúlachta
- GR: γάμος συμφέροντος
- HU: érdekházasság
- IT: matrimonio fittizio
- LT: fiktyvi santuoka
- LV: fiktīva laulība
- MT: Żwieġ ta’ konvenjenza / għall-konvenjenza
- NL: schijnhuwelijk
- NO: proformaekteskap
- PL: małżeństwo zawarte w celu obejścia przepisów umożliwiających legalizację pobytu / małżeństwo fikcyjne
- PT: casamento de conveniência
- RO: căsătorie de convenienţă
- SE: skenäktenskap
- SK: účelové manželstvo
- SL: poroka iz koristoljubja
A marriage contracted for the sole purpose of enabling the person concerned to enter or reside in an EU Member State.
- BG: мултикултурализъм
- CZ: multikulturalismus
- DE: Multikulturalismus
- EE: multikultuursus
- EN: multiculturalism
- ES: multiculturalismo
- FI: monikulttuurisuus
- FR: multiculturalisme
- GA: ilchultúrthacht
- HU: multikulturalizmus
- IT: multiculturalismo
- LT: daugiakultūriškumas
- LV: multikulturālisms
- MT: Sħubija għall-Mobbilità
- NL: multiculturalisme
- NO: multikulturalisme
- PL: wielokulturowość
- RO: multiculturalism
- SE: multikulturalism
- SK: multikulturalizmus
- SL: multikulturalizem
A policy that endorses the principle of cultural diversity and supports the right of different cultural and ethnic groups to retain distinctive cultural identities ensuring their equitable access to society, encompassing constitutional principles and commonly shared values prevailing in the society.
2. There is no universally accepted definition of multiculturalism, multiculturalism can refer to different concepts: demographic facts, philosophical or political ideas and values.
3. Multiculturalism emphasises cultural differences and different cultures existing next to each other without necessarily much contact or participative interaction.
4. The model of multiculturalism has often been criticised on different grounds. Critics of multiculturalism question the ideal of the maintenance of distinct ethnic cultures within a state; others argue that policies of multiculturalism have failed to create inclusion of different cultures within society, but instead have divided society by legitimising segregated separate communities that have isolated themselves and accentuated their specificity.
- BG: минимални стандарти
- CZ: minimální normy
- DE: Minimumstandards
- EE: miinimumnõuded
- EN: minimum standards
- ES: normas mínimas
- FI: vähimmäisvaatimukset
- FR: normes minimales
- GA: íoschaighdeáin
- HU: minimumszabályok
- IT: norme minime
- LT: būtiniausi reikalavimai
- LV: minimālie standarti
- MT: Livelli standard minimi
- NL: minimumnormen
- NO: minimumsstandard
- PL: minimalne standardy
- RO: standarde minime
- SE: miniminormer
- SK: minimálne pravidlá / minimálne štandardy
- SL: minimalni standardi
In an asylum context, a number of principles in relation to procedures for international protection , to reception conditions , and to the refugee definition established by the Treaty of Amsterdam from which EU Member States cannot derogate.
In the Tampere Agreement, and then reaffirmed by the Hague Programme, EU Member States agreed to go beyond minimum standards and develop a Common European Asylum System (CEAS) based on a common asylum procedure and a uniform status for those who are granted international protection .
- BG: масово навлизане
- CZ: hromadný příliv
- DE: Massenzustrom
- EE: massiline sisseränne
- EN: mass influx
- ES: afluencia masiva
- FI: joukoittainen maahantulo
- FR: afflux massif
- GA: mórphlódú isteach
- GR: μαζική εισορρή
- HU: tömeges beáramlás
- IT: afflusso massiccio
- LT: antplūdis
- LV: masveida pieplūdums
- MT: Influss tal-massa / ta’ massa
- NL: massale toestroom (syn.: massale instroom)
- NO: massetilstrømning (b) / massetilstrøyming (n)
- PL: masowy napływ
- PT: afluxo maciço
- RO: aflux masiv
- SE: massiv tillströmning
- SK: hromadný prílev
- SL: množični priliv / množični prihod
Arrival in the Community of a large number of displaced persons, who come from a specific country or geographical area, whether their arrival in the Community was spontaneous or aided, for example through an evacuation programme.
- BG: смесен миграционен поток
- CZ: smíšený migrační tok
- DE: gemischte Wanderungs-/ Migrationsbewegung
- EE: segarändevoog (dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra)
- EN: mixed migration flow
- ES: flujo migratorio mixto
- FI: erilaisista ryhmistä koostuva muuttovirta
- FR: flux migratoire mixte
- GA: sreabhadh imirce measctha
- HU: vegyes migrációs áramlás
- IT: flusso migratorio misto
- LT: mišrus migracijos srautas
- LV: jauktas migrācijas plūsma
- MT: Fluss migratorju mħallat // Nixxiegħa migratorja mħallta
- NL: gemengde migratiestroom
- NO: blandet migrasjonsstrøm (b) / blanda migrasjonsstraum (n)
- PL: mieszane przepływy migracyjne
- RO: flux de migraţie mixtă
- SE: blandade migrationsströmmar
- SK: zmiešané migračné toky
- SL: mešani migracijski tok
Complex migratory population movement including refugees , asylum-seekers, economic migrants and other types of migrants as opposed to migratory population movements that consist entirely of one category of migrants.
- BG: брой на мигрантите
- CZ: počet imigrantů - stav k
- DE: Anzahl der Einwanderer
- EE: sisserännanute arv kindlal territooriumil, teatud aja seisuga
- EN: migrant stock
- ES: población inmigrante
- FI: maahanmuuttajaväestön määrä
- FR: stock de migrants
- GA: lion na n-imirceach
- HU: bevándorlók aránya
- IT: stock di migranti
- LT: migrantų skaičius
- LV: migrantu skaits (1.janvārī)
- MT: Rendikont tal-migranti
- NL: migrant stock (dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra)
- NO: antall registrert bosatte innvandrere (b) / tal på registrert busette innvandrarar (n)
- PL: populacja migrantów w danym momencie
- RO: stoc de migranţi
- SE: migrantstock
- SK: počet migrantov / stav migrantov
- SL: število priseljenecev / „zaloga“ migrantov
The number of migrants in a given area on a certain date (e.g. 1 January or 31 December) of the year in question.
- BG: работник мигрант
- CZ: migrant - zaměstnanec
- DE: Arbeitsmigrant / Wanderarbeiter / Wanderarbeitnehmer
- EE: võõrtöötaja
- EN: migrant worker
- ES: trabajador migrante
- FI: siirtotyöläinen / vierastyöläinen
- FR: travailleur migrant
- GA: oibrí imirceach
- GR: εργαζόμενος μετανάστης
- HU: migráns munkavállaló
- IT: lavoratore migrante
- LT: migrantas darbuotojas
- LV: darba ņēmējs migrants
- MT: Migrant(a) ħaddiem(a)
- NL: arbeidsmigrant (syn.: buitenlandse werknemer)
- NO: arbeidsmigrant
- PL: pracownik migrujący
- PT: trabalhador migrante
- RO: lucrător / muncitor migrant
- SE: migrantarbetare
- SK: migrujúci pracovník / pracovný migrant
- SL: delavec migrant
A person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a state of which they are not nationals.
2. For the purpose of the EMN the UN definition is prefered as it is more common in literature and more comprehensive since it specifically includes those migrant workers who may currently be out of work, but had been working earlier. The Convention also includes self-employed workers.
- BG: мигрант
- CZ: migrant
- DE: Migrant
- EE: sisserändaja
- EN: migrant
- ES: persona migrante
- FI: maahanmuuttaja / siirtolainen
- FR: migrant
- GA: imirceach
- GR: μετανάστης
- HU: migráns
- IT: migrante
- LT: migrantas
- LV: migrants
- MT: Migrant(a)
- NL: migrant
- NO: migrant
- PL: migrant
- PT: migrante
- RO: migrant
- SE: migrant
- SK: migrant
- SL: migrant
In the EU/EFTA context, a person who either:
(i) establishes their usual residence in the territory of an EU/EFTA Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months, having previously been usually resident in another EU/EFTA Member State or a third country; or
(ii) having previously been usually resident in the territory of the EU/EFTA Member State, ceases to have their usual residence in the EU/EFTA Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months.
2. Under the UN definition, those travelling for shorter periods as tourists and business persons would not be considered migrants. However, common usage includes certain kinds of shorter-term migrants such as seasonal workers.
3. The term 'migrant' is usually understood to cover all cases where the decision to migrate is taken freely by the individual concerned for reasons of 'personal convenience' and without intervention of an external compelling factor; it therefore applies to persons, and family members, moving to another country or region to better their material or social conditions and improve the prospect for themselves or their family.
4. This definition does not include intra-EU mobility of citizens or residents, even though national concepts of international migration may include mobility, as will national statistics on international migration.
- BG: миграционен профил
- CZ: migrační profil
- DE: Migrationsprofil
- EE: rändeprofiil
- EN: migration profile
- ES: perfil migratorio
- FI: muuttoprofiili
- FR: profil migratoire
- GA: próifíl imirce
- GR: μεταναστευτικό προφίλ
- HU: migrációs profil
- IT: profilo migratorio
- LT: migracijos profilis
- LV: migrācijas profils
- MT: Profil migratorju
- NL: migratieprofiel
- NO: migrasjonsprofil
- PL: profil migracyjny
- PT: perfil migratório / profiling
- RO: profil de migraţie
- SE: migrationsprofil
- SK: migračný profil
- SL: migracijski profil
A tool to bring together and analyse all the relevant information needed to develop policy in the field of migration and development and to monitor the impact of policies implemented.
2. Migration profiles have been produced by IOM and by CARIM (Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration) amongst other organisations. For more information see the description of migration profiles on the IOM website.
3. The Global Forum on Migration and Development also hosts a repository of migration profiles.
4. Migration profiles entail an analysis of the policy and practice of a state and not that of a person. In this vein, the concept should not be confused with the profiling of a ‘person’.
- BG: Инициатива за миграционни маршрути
- CZ: Iniciativa migračních tras
- DE: Migrationsrouten-Initiative
- EE: rändeteede meede
- EN: migration routes initiative
- ES: iniciativa de rutas migratorias
- FI: muuttoreittejä koskeva aloite
- FR: initiative relative aux routes migratoires
- GA: Tionscnamh um Bhealaí Imirce
- GR: πρωτοβουλία μεταναστευτικών οδών
- HU: migrációs útvonalak kezdeményezés
- IT: Iniziativa «Rotte migratorie»
- LT: migracijos maršrutų iniciatyva
- LV: Migrācijas ceļu iniciatīva
- MT: Inizzjattiva fir-rigward tar-rotot migratorji
- NL: migratie-routes initiatief
- NO: initiativ i tilknytning til migrasjonsruter (b) / initiativ i tilknyting til migrasjonsruter (n)
- PL: Inicjatywa ds. Szlaków Migracyjnych
- PT: Iniciativa sobre rotas migratórias
- RO: iniţiativa cu privire la rutele de migraţie
- SE: Migration Routes Initiative
- SK: iniciatíva migračných trás
- SL: Pobuda glede migracijskih poti
An initiative by which work along the main migratory routes through a particular region and towards the EU is identified and which takes into account the need to work in close collaboration with the third countries along these routes.
- BG: миграционен поток
- CZ: migrační tok
- DE: Wanderungsbewegung / Migrationsbewegung
- EE: rändevoog
- EN: migration flow
- ES: flujo migratorio
- FI: muuttovirta
- FR: flux migratoire
- GA: sreabhadh imirce
- GR: μεταναστευτική ροή
- HU: migrációs áramlat
- IT: flusso migratorio
- LT: migracijos / migrantų srautas
- LV: migrācijas plūsma
- MT: Nixxiegħa migratorja
- NL: migratiestroom
- NO: migrasjonsstrøm (b) / migrasjonsstraum (n)
- PL: strumień migracyjny
- PT: fluxo migratório
- RO: flux de migraţie
- SE: migrationsströmmar
- SK: migračný tok
- SL: migracijski tok
The number of migrants crossing a boundary, within a specific time period, for the purpose of establishing residence.
2. UN statistics in particular also refer to ‘inflows’ (flow of migrants entering into a particular boundary) and ‘outflows’ (flow of migrants leaving a particular boundary).
- BG: миграция
- CZ: migrace
- DE: Migration
- EE: ränne
- EN: migration
- ES: migración
- FI: muuttoliike / siirtolaisuus
- FR: migration
- GA: imirce
- GR: μετανάστευση
- HU: migráció
- IT: migrazione
- LT: migracija
- LV: migrācija
- MT: Migrazzjoni
- NL: migratie
- NO: migrasjon
- PL: migracja
- PT: migração
- RO: migraţie
- SE: migration
- SK: migrácia
- SL: migracija
In the EU context, the action by which a person either:
(i) establishes their usual residence in the territory of an EU Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months, having previously been usually resident in another EU Member State or a third country; or
(ii) having previously been usually resident in the territory of an EU Member State, ceases to have their usual residence in that EU Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months.
2. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) defines migration as follows: 'movement of a person or a group of persons, either across an international border (international migration), or within a state (internal migration), encompassing any kind of movement of people, whatever its length, composition and causes'. This broad definition covers all forms of migration (voluntrary/forced migration, internal/international migration, long-term/short-term migration), different motives for migration (migration because of political persecution, conflicts, economic problems, environmental degradation or a combination of these reasons or migration in search of better economic conditions or conditions of survival or well-being, or other motives such as familiy reunfication) and irrespective of the means used to migrate (legal/irregular migration). Thus it includes migration of refugees, displaced persons, economic migrants and persons moving for other purposes, including family reunification.
3. Under the UN, the definition 'movements for shorter periods' would not be considered migration.
- BG: малцинство
- CZ: menšina
- DE: Minderheit
- EE: vähemus
- EN: minority
- ES: minoría
- FI: vähemmistö
- FR: minorité
- GA: mionlach
- HU: kissebbség
- IT: minoranza
- LT: mažuma
- LV: minoritāte
- MT: Minoranza / F’minoranza
- NL: minderheid
- NO: minoritet
- PL: mniejszość
- PT: Minoria
- RO: minoritate
- SE: minoritet
- SK: menšina
- SL: manjšina
A non-dominant group which is usually numerically less than the majority population of a State or region regarding their ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics and who (if only implicitly) maintain solidarity with their own culture, traditions, religion or language.
2. This definition has been added because of its relevance to international protection and integration-related aspects.
- BG: материални условия за приемане
- CZ: materiální podmínky přijetí
- DE: materielle Aufnahmebedingungen
- EE: materiaalsed varjupaigataotlejate vastuvõtutingimused
- EN: material reception conditions
- ES: condiciones materiales de acogida
- FI: aineelliset vastaanotto-olosuhteet
- FR: conditions matérielles d’accueil
- GA: dálaí ábhartha glactha
- GR: υλικές συνθήκες υποδοχής
- HU: a befogadás anyagi feltételei
- IT: condizioni materiali di accoglienza
- LT: materialinės priėmimo sąlygos
- LV: materiālie uzņemšanas nosacījumi
- MT: Kondizzjonijiet materjali tal-akkoljenza
- NL: materiële opvangvoorzieningen
- NO: materielle mottaksforhold (b) / materielle mottakstilhøve (n)
- PL: materialne warunki przyjmowania
- PT: condições materiais de acolhimento
- RO: condiţii materiale de recepţie
- SE: materiella mottagningsvillkor
- SK: materiálne prijímacie podmienky (EU acquis) / materiálne podmienky prijímania (national law)
- SL: materialni pogoji sprejema
The reception conditions that include housing, food and clothing provided in kind, or as financial allowances or in vouchers, or a combination of the three, and a daily expenses allowance.